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Andreas Staier & Concerto Köln

20.15: Inleiding door David Lodewyckx

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Artist in residence Andreas Staier and the renowned Concerto Köln reveal to you the Bohemian Jan Ladislav Dussek, in his days an acclaimed composer and piano virtuoso, but today an unfairly forgotten figure. Dussek composed his magnificent Piano Concerto in G minor in 1801. The expansive first movement, the noble adagio and the lively, folkish finale announce romanticism in a sublime way.

Furthermore the programme offers two symphonies that can be linked to Bohemia. Mozart’s Prague Symphony – owing its name to the fact that the work was premiered in Prague in 1786 – and a Symphony in E-flat major by the Bohemian miller’s son Josef Myslivecek, a friend of the Mozarts. The power of Myslivecek’s music resides in its sharp textures, lyrical melodies and harmonic accents. Right up the alley of Staier and Concerto Köln!

Andreas Staier, forte piano | Concerto Köln

J. Myslivecek: Sinfonie in Es, Wey 630 | J.L. Dussek: Pianoconcerto in g, opus 49 (50) | 
W.A. Mozart: Sinfonie in D, KV 504, ‘Praagse’

21 November, 2014 20:00 -- AMUZ

Andreas Staier & Concerto Köln


Artist in residence Andreas Staier and the renowned Concerto Köln reveal to you the Bohemian Jan Ladislav Dussek, in his days an acclaimed composer and piano virtuoso, but today an unfairly forgotten figure. Dussek composed his magnificent Piano Concerto in G minor in 1801. The expansive first movement, the noble adagio and the lively, folkish finale announce romanticism in a sublime way. 

Furthermore the programme offers two symphonies that can be linked to Bohemia. Mozart’s Prague Symphony – owing its name to the fact that the work was premiered in Prague in 1786 – and a Symphony in E-flat major by the Bohemian miller’s son Josef Myslive ek, a friend of the Mozarts. The power of Myslive ek’s music resides in its sharp textures, lyrical melodies and harmonic accents. Right up the alley of Staier and Concerto Köln!

21 November, 2014 21:00 -- AMUZ

Jan Michiels & Inge Spinette

20.15: Introduction (in Dutch) by Elise Simoens

Inge Spinette and Jan Michiels ask you to dance. In this programme for four hands the couple cast a glance on the history of the waltz: from the Viennese Ländler (a ‘waltz on clogs’) of Franz Schubert and Johannes Brahms to the apotheosis of the Wiener Walzer by Richard Strauss.

A dance step further catastrophe strikes with Maurice Ravel’s La Valse from 1920, a sublime expression of the fragmentation of the waltz and of the bourgeois-romantic world view. The Viennese empire thus collapses symbolically (preceded two years before, in 1918, by its literal collapse). At the end of the 20th century Wolfgang Rihm looks back nostalgically, but not without irony, in Mehrere kurze Walzer.

Jan Michiels & Inge Spinette, piano four hands  

F. Schubert/J. Brahms: 17 Deutsche, genannt ‘Ländler’ D.366 | J. Brahms: Walzer opus 39 | R. Strauss/O. Singer: Der Rosenkavalier-Walzer | M. Ravel/L. Garban: La Valse | W. Rihm: Mehrere kurze Walzer

28 November, 2014 20:00 -- AMUZ

Jan Michiels & Inge Spinette


Inge Spinette and Jan Michiels ask you to dance. In this programme for four hands the couple cast a glance on the history of the waltz: from the Viennese Ländler (a ‘waltz on clogs’) of Franz Schubert and Johannes Brahms to the apotheosis of the Wiener Walzer by Richard Strauss. 

A dance step further catastrophe strikes with Maurice Ravel’s La Valse from 1920, a sublime expression of the fragmentation of the waltz and of the bourgeois-romantic world view. The Viennese empire thus collapses symbolically (preceded two years before, in 1918, by its literal collapse). At the end of the 20th century Wolfgang Rihm looks back nostalgically, but not without irony, in Mehrere kurze Walzer.

28 November, 2014 21:00 -- AMUZ

Lecure ‘Holy Places, Holy Books’: Judaism

In the august sacral concert hall of AMUZ six speakers are invited to deliver a lecture on their personal pilgrimage and their individual quest in life.

The lectures are distinctively different, yet at the same time truly universal. They deal with the personal reflection on contemporary society and the search for a genuine spirituality, from the vantage point of a specific cultural and societal environment, which is firmly rooted in Islam, Judaism and Christianity, respectively.

Dov Elbaum – born in Jerusalem – is a writer and journalist, TV presenter and philosophy professor.  Though descending from a very religious family, the son of a rabbi even, he broke away from his extremely orthodox school because of a crisis of faith. Eventually he graduated from the University of Tel Aviv majoring in philosophy,  cabalism and Chassidism, now teaching there himself. 

Music: Lior Lavid Leibovici – chant

04 December, 2014 19:00 -- AMUZ



More than half of the world population is Christian, Muslim of Jewish. Despite differences there are also striking similarities. Holy places, holy books is a unique exhibition at the MAS | Museum aan de stroom about the pilgrimage to holy places, while concurrently offering at the Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience a view of the form, content, usage and study of the Tanach (the Old Testament as used by Jews), the Bible and the Koran. An ambitious project supported by several heritage associations and by the three communities of faith. 

AMUZ also participates in this expo with a series of lectures on the religions involved, enlivened with music. Further information on the speakers and the musicians will be available later in the AMUZ journal. On Wednesday, January 14 a closing concert will take place with a.o. Patrizia Bovi & Fadia el Hage.

04 December, 2014 20:00 -- AMUZ