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Zonzo Compagnie & Revue Blanche

Berberio - production for children (6+)

Berberio turns the world of music upside down more than once in the style of the celebrated Italian composer Luciano Berio. Witness a comic in song, find out what happens when music by different composers disappears into a mixer and listen to Berios fantastic folk songs. The Italian director and video artist Letizia Renzini joins forces with Revue Blanche to transform Berios world into an amazing multimedia production. Berio would surely have jumped for joy at this cheerfully lovely musical portrait, De Standaard claims.

19 November, 2017 15:30 -- amuz

Aquarius & Kuldatsäuk

Music for the forgotten peoples

The Estonian composer Veljo Tormis (1930-2017) travelled to the borders of his country to note down the disappearing music of several ethnic groups. He incorporated this material into the choir cycle Music for the forgotten peoples. Aquarius presents a broad selection from the cycle, embarking on a musical dialogue with the female ensemble Kuldatsaük, which performs songs from south-eastern Estonia in their natural state. The confrontation between Veljo Tormis brilliant choir arrangements and these Estonian womens unparalleled polyphonic singing tradition (Seto Leelo) is bound to make sparks fly.

The event is dedicated to the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and to the 100th birthday of the Republic of Estonia.

24 November, 2017 21:00 -- amuz

Hana Blažíková & friends

Cantigas de Santa Maria

The Cantigas de Santa Maria are a collection of 419 songs of devotion in Galician Portuguese, compiled in the mid-13th century at the court of Alfonso X el Sabio (the Wise), the king of Léon and Castile. It is the largest mediaeval collection of Marian hymns written in the vernacular. One song in ten praises Marys deeds, and the others speak of her miracles. Artist in residence Hana Blažíková brings out the Arab, Christian and Andalusian aspects of the Cantigas in a fascinating performance full of musical fireworks.

26 November, 2017 15:00 -- amuz

The Sixteen

Magnificats: Et exultavit spiritum meum

Striking images, alternating moods and perhaps the best-loved main character of all time: the Magnificat has everything. The Sixteen have taken the most beautiful examples from five centuries of choir music, from the powerful polyphony of Lassus and Victoria to the 20th century, quintessentially English Mags. Magnificat by the young English composer Thomas Hyde is proof that the choral tradition on the other side of the Channel is very much alive and kicking.

30 November, 2017 21:00 -- amuz

Wispelwey, Raskin & Bossier

Death and Resurrection are One ...

The Russian composer Sofia Gubaidulina celebrated her 85th birthday in October 2016. Thanks to her idiosyncratic musical vocabulary, her incessant search for the beauty of sound and the Russian Orthodox liturgy that is inextricably linked with her work and her person, this concert offers you religious mysticism in an evening focusing on the intensity of this gripping music. Wispelwey is a pioneer and virtuoso who takes off in surprising directions and proves that his new approach to familiar repertoire nonetheless continues to sound entirely characteristic, claims The Strad.

01 December, 2017 21:00 -- amuz

Vlad Weverbergh & Terra Nova Collective

Beethoven’s 7th Symphony for Everyone

The apotheosis of dance! is how Richard Wagner described Beethovens 7th Symphony. He was referring and rightly so to the importance of the rhythm and energy in the piece. Adaptations of popular symphonic works and operas for wind instruments were commonplace in the 19th century, so that the compositions could be played in bandstands for passers-by. Listening to the symphony played on Terra Nova Collectives historic instruments, you can easily imagine you are there yourself!

10 December, 2017 15:00 -- amuz