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Klankenbad seizoen 2017|2018 reeks 3

Musical dialogues for children aged 0 to 5

Humans have the greatest aptitude for music in very early childhood. This makes it a wonderful experience to sing simple songs with babies and toddlers, experimenting with rhythm and sound. Come and find out about musicality with your child at four short sessions in the AMUZ foyer.

Klankenbad is based on The Music Learning Theory by the renowned educationalist Edwin E. Gordon, which states that musicality is acquired in the same way as language. Gordons theory demonstrates that coming into contact with music at a very early age has a significant influence on future musical development. So it is a great idea to stimulate your child and bring them into contact with music through play, especially because it is so much fun for both the children and their parents!

We work in five age categories. Babies are stimulated to explore their own musical gurgling and cooing. New for this year is a programme for toddlers, who get to work with melody, rhythm and movement. As a parent or guardian, you will discover how you can make music with your child at home as well.

9.00: babys & toddlers from 0 to 18 months
10.00: toddlers from 18 to 24 months
11.00: toddlers from 24 months until they start nursery
13.00: young children who already go to nursery (reception or first year)
14.00: young children who already go to nursery (second or third year)

14 April, 2018 09:00 -- amuz

Manfred Sellink

Art and Culture in 16th century Florence

Florence in 1589 was a city past the peak of its power and glory. However it still shone as an international centre for art and culture, a place where many art forms and artists met. The marriage of Ferdinando I de’ Medici and Christine de Lorraine did more than just unite two important European royal families: it was also a time for the city on the Arno to demonstrate once again that it was an international leader in the arts. The opening concert of the 25th edition of Laus Polyphoniae will enthral you with the music of this flamboyant wedding ceremony. In his opening lecture, Manfred Sellink, the head conservator at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA), will present an image of art and culture in Florence in the second half of the 16th century, with the emphasis on visual culture and international exchanges.

Dutch spoken

16 August, 2018 11:00 -- amuz

Scherzi Musicali

La Pellegrina

No expense was spared for the wedding of Ferdinando I de’ Medici and Christina of Lorraine in 1589. The highlight of the festivities in Florence was the performance of the play La Pellegrina by Girolamo Bargagli. What went down in history, however, were the musical intermezzos, or ‘intermedii’, which connected the young couple to Greek mythology. Various musical styles come together in the six intermedii: the swan song of the Renaissance resounds with the first stirrings of the Baroque. Polyphonic choir pieces and virtuoso arias, composed by the youngest generation of composers such as Cavalieri, Caccini and Peri, formed a particularly coherent score. The singer and lutenist Nicolas Achten leads almost fifty singers and musicians of Scherzi Musicali in a musical story that transports listeners from one dream to another.

Première commissioned by AMUZ

18.00 KlaraLive@LausPolyphoniae: Listen live to the Laus Polyphoniae preview on Klara

16 August, 2018 20:00 -- amuz

Andrew Lawrence-King

Apollo’s Harp

Andrew Lawrence-King combines virtuoso technique with musicality on the harp, exploring the fascinating possibilities of the instrument. During his solo recital, he will present the most beautiful harp music from the Middle Ages to the Baroque. Without doubt, Andrew Lawrence-King can be called the best harpist in the world. As a soloist with Hespèrion XXI and the artistic leader of The Harp Consort, he has many celebrated performances and CD recordings to his name. He is a particularly versatile and virtuoso musician who seduces audiences time and again with his charismatic stage presence.

17 August, 2018 13:00 -- amuz

Tempus fugit


This conference will focus on the many questions surrounding the issue of ‘time’ in 15th and 16th century polyphony. What is tactus and how should a conductor show it? How to navigate the complex system of mensuration signs? Can we know what the tempo was? Jacob Obrechts Missa Maria Zart, one of the longest masses ever written in the Renaissance, will serve as the starting point to investigate the interpretation of tempo, metrum, tactus etc. Professor Ruth I. DeFord (New York, Hunter College), a specialist in this material, will seek answers to these many different questions with musicologists, performers and other interested participants.

17 August, 2018 18:00 -- amuz

Cappella Pratensis

Jacob Obrecht: Missa Maria Zart

Jacob Obrecht’s Missa Maria Zart is the longest polyphonic setting ever of an ordinary mass, double the length of those by Pierre de la Rue and Josquin des Prez. Obrecht, who worked as a singing master at various churches and cathedrals in the Low Countries (including Antwerp), plays endlessly with the different lines of the melody to create a kaleidoscope of sounds, challenging the singers to reach beyond the borders of their vocal range. The entire mass is an outstanding feat of musical architecture and a feast for the ear: it is incredibly playful and brimming with the joy of life. Cappella Pratensis is the ultimate ensemble to take on this masterpiece. To quote the words of De Volkskrant: “Now and again individual voices sparkle, only to be enveloped again in the tight, organic fabric of sound.”

World première in partnership with the musicologist Fabrice Fitch, commissioned by AMUZ

17 August, 2018 20:00 -- st-andrieskerk