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Ratas del viejo Mundo

OSSESSO, Italian Pre-Baroque Madrigals

Under the palindrome OSSESSO, Ratas del viejo Mundo presents a selection of the most gripping pre-Baroque madrigals. These compositions are daring, chromatic experiments that constantly test the expressive limits of a melody within a polyphonic fabric. In other words, expect maximum extravagance for maximum emotion. Besides original compositions by Adriaan Willaert, Orlandus Lassus, Philippe de Monte and others, the ensemble will perform instrumental adaptations and instrumental works from the 16th century, with colour, subtlety, personality and great gusto.

09 March, 2018 21:00 -- amuz

il Gardellino o.l.v. Peter Van Heyghen

Telemann: Der Tag des Gerichts

“An oratorio full of powerful emotions”, was the announcement in the local newspaper. And indeed it was: on 17 March 1762, shortly before Easter, Hamburg discovered Der Tag des Gerichts, one of Telemanns most impressive works. Towards the end of his career, the composer developed an admirable ability to incorporate the new, Classical style into his Baroque music. The lyrical libretto about the fight between believers and unbelievers offers drama aplenty, and is packed with evocative images that are crying out for the most beautiful and astonishing effects. This is music located emphatically on the very border between religious oratorio and theatrical opera.

11 March, 2018 15:00 -- amuz

Toon Fret & Veronika Iltchenko

German and French Repertoire from the Turn of the Century

Flutist Toon Fret (of Oxalys and Het Collectief) and Veronika Iltchenko take us through the French, German and Viennese flute repertoire of 1900 and the early decades of the 20th century. In the Chansons de Bilitis, the flute reigns over the scene that Claude Debussy reveals: a universe populated by figures halfway between dream and reality, bathing in the twilight. These exceptional soloists have come together in an ideal duo: they share a passion for their instruments, a joy in playing together and the gift of passing on the sacred fire that inspires them.

18 March, 2018 15:00 -- amuz

Thomas Baeté & Transports Publics

The Duarte Circle: A Visit to Rubens’ Musical Neighbours

At the end of the 16th century, the merchant Diego (I) Duarte moved from Portugal to Antwerp with his family of gifted musicians. In their house on the Meir, just around the corner from the painter Rubens, they received famous musical guests. Transports Publics bring these salons back to life in this concert programme, transporting you to the glorious Antwerp of the 17th century. Inspired by colourful testimonials in letters and poems written at the time, they perform compositions by Leonora Duarte, Constantijn Huyghens, Nicholas Lanier, Salomone Rossi, Girolamo Frescobaldi, John Bull and others.

22 March, 2018 21:00 -- amuz

Roel Dieltiens & Wibert Aerts


Kodálys Cello Sonata, Opus 8 is one of the most important 20th century works for the cello. The influence of Bartók and Debussy can be clearly heard, as can that of Hungarian folk music. Sandor Veress studied composition with Kodály. Like his contemporaries, he also studied folk music and this can clearly be heard in his Sonata for Violin Solo. Roel Dieltiens can make his cello flatter, coax or explode with rage as he pleases. Virtuoso, to be sure, but only when the music demands it. He is sensitive too, but never sentimental, says Klassieke Zaken. With his extensive experience in 20th century music, Wilbert Aerts is the perfect violinist to interpret this virtuoso music.

23 March, 2018 21:00 -- amuz

Hana Blažíková & Collegium Marianum

Pearls of the German and Bohemian Baroque

Artist in residence Hana Blažíková takes to the stage with the Czech Baroque Orchestra Collegium Marianum. They present 18th century Bohemian music by Jiránek and Zelenka. Other Baroque gems on the programme were penned by Johann Ernst, Prince of Weimar, and J.S. Bach. The latter reworked the original version of his cantata for bass, oboe, strings and basso continuo, BWV 82, for a higher, soprano range in 1731, consequently creating a dialogue between the singer and the higher traverso. Hana Blažíková brings the concert season to a masterly close.

25 March, 2018 15:00 -- amuz