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Huelgas Ensemble


The rolling landscape of northern France was the ultimate source of inspiration for the composers who worked there. That is the premise of the new book Het landschap der polyfonisten. De wereld van de Franco-Flamands (The Landscape of Polyphony. The World of the Franco-Flemish School) by Paul Van Nevel. The magnificent polyphony of composers such as Johannes Ockeghem, Josquin des Prez and Antoine de Févin that will resound at this concert by Huelgas Ensemble was written in the region of Bruges, Mons, Saint-Quentin and Boulogne. These composers, who made an indelible mark on the evolution of polyphonic music, were influenced by the melancholy, beauty and variety of nature and cathedrals, basing their work on symmetry, proportion and rhythm. Atmospheric images of the landscape, made by the photographer Luk Van Eeckhout, give the concert an extra, visual dimension.

11.00 Book presentation Het landschap der polyfonisten. De wereld van de Franco-Flamands (The Landscape of Polyphony. The World of the Franco-Flemish School) by Paul Van Nevel (location: AMUZ; free admission).

17 August, 2018 22:15 -- st-pauluskerk

International Young Artist’s Presentation

Walk with six concerts

Once again this year, some of our most promising young musicians will present their work to the public after intensive coaching by Peter Van Heyghen and Raquel Andueza. Discover the IYAP ensembles selected in 2018 during a unique concert walk in the centre of Antwerp.

Ensembles: Dichos Diabolos, Ensemble Florestan, Ensemble Pretiosa, IJ SPACE, Le Voci delle Grazie, Ensemble Cicchetti Musicali

Pratical information
Start: AMUZ
Duration: 10.00-17.00
There will be a break for lunch.
(Lunch at AMUZ is possible. More info)

18 August, 2018 10:00 -- amuz

Tasto Solo

Deplorations: Polyphony by Pierre de la Rue and his Contemporaries

Exactly five hundred years ago, on 20 November 1518, the Flemish polyphonist Pierre de la Rue died in Kortrijk. He worked mainly in the north, and his was the last important oeuvre that would mainly be passed down to us in handwritten manuscripts, including some by Petrus Alamire. Tasto Solo combines music from La Rue’s oeuvre, which can rightly be called the climax of the Franco-Flemish style in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, with Josquin des Prez, Alexander Agricola, Antoine Brumel and other leading contemporaries. Poetic, often tragic texts are combined with turbulent melodies and the art of counterpoint… this is a concert to look forward to!


18 August, 2018 20:00 -- amuz

Tiburtina Ensemble

Ego Sum Homo. Musical Visions of Hildegard von Bingen

Barbora Kabátková and her Tiburtina Ensemble present an impressive selection from Hildegards visionary music in the Riesen Codex. They sing hypnotic, melismatic hymns in honour of the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary and Rhineland saints, interspersed with polyphonic and instrumental works. Hildegard was a holy woman, but above all she was a human woman, and it is her humanity that is so striking in her texts and music. The recording was praised in De Standaard: “The intense, symbolist oracle poetry is sung by the ten-voice choir with masterly precision, finding its way unerringly through the labyrinth of elastic, weightless melodies. Hildegard’s meandering song lines are also ornamented with a fascinating confetti of harp music and subtle glimmers on the cimbalom.” Live music that will completely envelop you!

18 August, 2018 22:15 -- st-andrieskerk

International Young Artist’s Presentation

Walk with six concerts

Once again this year, some of our most promising young musicians will present their work to the public after intensive coaching by Peter Van Heyghen and Raquel Andueza. Discover the IYAP ensembles selected in 2018 during a unique concert walk in the centre of Antwerp.

Ensembles: Dichos Diabolos, Ensemble Florestan, Ensemble Pretiosa, IJ SPACE, Le Voci delle Grazie, Ensemble Cicchetti Musicali

Pratical information
Start: AMUZ
Duration: 10.00-17.00
There will be a break for lunch.
(Lunch at AMUZ is possible. More info)

19 August, 2018 10:00 -- amuz

Mala Punica

Reworkings: New Music and Medieval Models

Mala Punica, the energetic ensemble led by Pedro Memelsdorff, presents music dating from 1318 until the end of the 14th century, linking it to the present day. The Argentinean composer Pablo Ortiz has written two world premières for Laus Polyphoniae that provide a contemporary response to mediaeval ars subtilior music. Ortiz’ works are based on the mediaeval models of Machaut, da Caserta, Ciconia and da Perugia. In this concert programme, Mala Punica places the new compositions alongside the mediaeval works that inspired them, using the same sound idiom in both cases.

World première

19 August, 2018 20:00 -- amuz