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Sofie Taes interviews Patrizia Bovi

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In dark ages humankind takes hope from universal stories about (impossible) love, courtly life, war and power. This was also the case in Renaissance Italy. Micrologus will bring a colourful selection of folk songs from this period. They are humorous, gross and often salty, staging characters that were to become generally known through the commedia dell’arte.

Ensemble Micrologus originated in the bosom of the Calendimaggio festival in Assisi. During that spring festival the city is divided into two factions which clash against each other with music, street theatre and dance. Medieval tableaus are staged and complete neighbourhoods seem to go centuries back in time. With such background Micrologus is in the perfect position to revive the old, folksy music of Italy. With their pioneering concert programmes these musicians already provided several highlights for Laus Polyphoniae – a tradition that AMUZ will gladly continue!

Patrizia Bovi, voice, harp & artistic direction | Goffredo Degli Esposti, pipe and tabor & shawm | Gabriele Russo, fiddle | Enea Sorini, voice | Simone Sorini, voice & lute | Olivier Marcaud, voice | Leah Stuttard, harp & bray pin harp | Crawford Young, lute & viola da mano | Gabriele Miracle, dulcimer & percussions | Marc Lewon viola da arco, lute & cetra 

Photo (c) Sergio Fortini


31 August, 2012 18:00 -- AMUZ

Huelgas Ensemble

Jacobus Gallus was born in Slovenia in 1550 and left his country as a teenager in pursuit of the muse of music. Despite his relatively short life – he only reached the age of forty-one – the man left behind a monumental oeuvre of about five hundred works. In this a cappella concert with twelve voices Huelgas Ensemble brings a varied selection from his music.

The programme features secular works on classical texts by Virgil, Horace, Ovid and Martial. You will also hear a composition for two parts from Bicinia septuagint, fragments from the Missa Sancta Maria and a generous selection from Gallus’ monumental collection Opus Musicum. You will notice that the music of Gallus is a fascinating mix of composition techniques of his better-known Flemish and Italian peers, such as Lassus and Willaert.

Paul Van Nevel, artistic direction | Sabine Lutzenberger, cantus | Poline Renou, cantus | Michaela Riener, cantus | Kaspar Kröner, altus | Witte Weber, altus | Stefan Berghammer, tenor | Tom Phillips, tenor | George Pooley, tenor | Achim Schulz, tenor | Matthew Vine, tenor | Marc Busnel, bas | Guillaume Olry, bassus | Tim Whiteley, bassus

31 August, 2012 20:15 -- St.-Pauluskerk

Concertos para Bebés

0 - 5 years old

The Portuguese success formula Concertos para Bebés enables babies, tiny tots and toddlers to familiarize themselves with classical music. The first time ensemble Musicalmente moored in Antwerp in the summer of 2011 was a great hit. This time the Belgian ensemble Encantar will contribute to this interactive performance for the littlest ones. Booking fast is in order!

The Concertos para Bebés happen on a play area in the middle of the hall. The musicians are surrounded by cushions for the young audience and their parents. Most children stay comfortably on the lap of mom or dad, but adventurous tots also venture among the musicians. Perfectly OK! Just like singing along, clapping hands, and last but not least: discovering actively! In keeping with the festival theme of Laus Polyphoniae 2012 the musicians bring classical music from the Adriatic Sea area.

Reservation: tickets@amuz.be of +32 (0)3 292 36 80

I.c.w. Musica, Impulscentrum voor muziek

Musicalmente | Encantar | Paulo Lameiro, artistic direction

01 September, 2012 09:00 -- Theaterzaal Tutti Fratelli

Concertos para Bebés

0 - 5 jaar

The Portuguese best seller Concertos para Bebés enables babies, toddlers and under five to familiarize themselves with classical music. The first visit of ensemble Musicalmente to Antwerp in the summer of 2011 was a smashing hit. This time the recorder ensemble Mezzaluna joins this interactive performance for the littlest ones. Be sure to book early!

The Concertos para Bebés happen on a play area in the middle of the hall. Around the musicians there are cushions for the young audience and their parents. Most children like to stay on the lap of mom or dad, but the most adventurous ones also venture among the musicians. No restrictions! Just like singing along, clapping hands, and most of all: actively discovering! In line with the festival theme of Laus Polyphoniae 2013 the musicians bring classical music from the reign of Elizabeth I.

In collaboration with Musica, Impulse Centre for Music.


01 September, 2012 14:00 -- Theaterzaal Tutti Fratelli

Festival menu

Faithful to custom AMUZ offers you a well-assorted festival menu. Evidently Laus Polyphoniae will enable you this time to sample Adriatic cuisine! Every evening the focus will be on a different region or city, among others the Puglian cuisine.

First course: focaccia Barese (Italian herb bread with sun-dried tomatoes)
Main course: choice of canneloni with aubergine OR lasagna with mortadella, zucchini and Parmesan

The festival menu will be served in the AMUZ foyer at 6.00 p.m.. Ideal to combine with the Puglian concert program of the evening, performed by Pino De Vittorio & Progretto detto il Gorzanis.

Concert tickets are not included. You are advised to make a reservation.

01 September, 2012 16:00 -- AMUZ

Pino De Vittorio & Progetto detto il Gorzanis

Sofie Taes interviews
Pino De Vittorio

From intimate lute fantasies to lively saltarellos: the next-to-last evening of Laus Polyphoniae 2012 may very well become the one most steeped in atmosphere. The programme offers Italian songs and dance music by Giacomo Gorzanis, a 16-century lute virtuoso from Trieste. The singer on duty is Pino De Vittorio, well-known as Marco Beasley’s associate.

The blind Giacomo Gorzanis was famous as a masterly lute player in his days. As a composer he left behind not only some extremely virtuoso works, but also a marvellous collection ‘Napoletane’ (Neapolitan lute songs). The ensemble Progetto detto il Gorzanis, with musicians from Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland and Colombia, are very fond of this composer, devoting all their concerts to this exceptional oeuvre.


Pino De Vittorio, voice | Monica Prada, voice | Bor Zuljan, lute & renaissance guitar | Patricia Esteban, recorder & viol | Domen Marincic, viol | Massimiliano Dragoni, percussion

Pino De Vittorio and Marco Beasley:

01 September, 2012 18:00 -- AMUZ