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Faroski Kantaduri

19.15 Introduction (Dutch spoken)

Faroski Kantaduri is a group of traditional singers from the island Hvar, across the Croatian coast. With their historically informed interpretations the ensemble managed to earn a very strong reputation in the field of world music. The religious songs sung by them are an echo of an age-old past, but even today they still reverberate during processions and services in the coastal villages of Dalmatia.

Faroski Kantaduri will execute the traditional chants for the periods of Lent and Holy Week. According to a papal privilege from 1248 the Slavonic people at the Adriatic Sea were allowed to use, next to Latin, also their local vernacular and Glagolitic (Old Slavonic) for the Roman rite. Due to this privilege this impressive repertory has managed to survive till today.

30 August, 2012 18:00 -- St.-Jacobskerk

Capilla Flamenca & François Lazarevitch

Why did Petrus Alamire draw bagpipes on the Missa Benedicta by Adriaen Willaert? Were the bagpipes used during religious services? Evidence is only rather circumstantial, reason enough for Capilla Flamenca to start an investigation. Together with bagpipe player François Lazarevitch we make a stop in Venice, where Willaert was allowed to prove his mettle from 1527 on in the San Marco Basilica.

François Lazarevitch is a versatile musician who began his career as a player of the transverse flute, but he is also an informed player of quite a few other period and traditional instruments, such as the accordeon, the harpsichord, and the Irish flute. This collaboration with Dirk Snellings is a new step in his trajectory of wide-ranging projects for the bagpipes. Capilla Flamenca concentrate this year especially on Willaert, who died exactly 450 years ago. Surely you have not yet heard his music played by the bagpipes!

Rob Cuppens, counter tenor | Tore Denys, tenor | Lieven Termont, baritone | Matthew Gouldstone, bass | François Lazarevitch, bagpipes


30 August, 2012 20:15 -- AMUZ

Alfred Fernández

Francesco Spinacino is one of the great lutenists of the Renaissance, but about his life we know precious little. The only fact we know for sure, is that he was born in Fossombrone, an Italian village nearby the Adriatic sea, and that his music was published in Venice in 1507. Alfred Fernández confronts Spinacino with another master of the Renaissance: Josquin des Prez.

Alfred Fernández is a lutenist from Barcelona who is largely self-taught, yet took advantage of advice by eminent musicians such as Rolf Lislevand, Paul O’dette and John Griffiths. Last year he already contributed to Laus Polyphoniae with El Canto del Caballero. In this edition he is welcome to profile himself as a soloist with the music of Spinacino, who fascinates him in a special way: “In Spinacino’s music a strange kind of beauty buds. It meanders like an improvisation along complex and mysterious paths. It is pure musical rhetoric without end.”

Alfred Fernández, lute

Work by Francesco Spinacino en Josquin des Prez


31 August, 2012 11:00 -- AMUZ

MARE ADRIATICO: hou jij van turkoise?

Showcase music holiday for children.


31 August, 2012 14:00 -- Elzenveld

MARE ADRIATICO: hou jij van turkoise?

Showcase music holiday for children.


31 August, 2012 14:00 -- Elzenveld

Festival menu

Faithful to custom AMUZ offers you a well-assorted festival menu. Evidently Laus Polyphoniae will enable you this time to sample Adriatic cuisine! Every evening the focus will be on a different region or city, among others the Slovenian cuisine.

First course: Slovenian salad with potato, cider dressing
Main course: choice of puranji zreczek (fillet of turkey coated with breadcrumbs and mild gorgonzola sauce) OR polnjena paprika (stuffed bell peppers with minced meat, tomato sauce and baked potatoes)

The festival menu will be served in the AMUZ foyer at 6.00 p.m.. Ideal to combine with the concert by Micrologus at 8 p.m. in AMUZ or with the Slovenian concert program of the evening, performed by Huelgas Ensemble. At 10 p.m. in St.-Pauluskerk.

Concert tickets are not included. You are advised to make a reservation.

31 August, 2012 16:00 -- AMUZ