Cappella Mediterranea
Cappella Mediterranea was one of the peaks of Laus Polyphoniae 2011 and an undisputed favourite of the public! Reason enough to invite the group again. In Sogno d’una notte Veneziana the musicians take you along to the poetical lagoon city of Venice. It will be a late evening concert steeped in atmosphere, a café-chantant avant la lettre with music by Monteverdi, Caccini, Frescobaldi and others.
The ‘recitar cantando’ – a reciting style of singing with emphasis on the meaning of the text – gets pride of place during this nocturnal programme. This style was born at sea, between war and peace, on the lips of seafarers and lovers. High-spirited Argentine soprano Mariana Flores revives the inexhaustible lyricism of the genre.
Mariana Flores, soprano | Quito Gato, lute & guitar | Lucile Boulanger,
viol | Leonardo García Alarcón, harpsichord, organ & artistic direction
Work by Giulio Caccini, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Claudio Monteverdi, Francesco Cavalli, Barbara Strozzi and Benedetto Ferrari