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Cappella Mediterranea

Cappella Mediterranea was one of the peaks of Laus Polyphoniae 2011 and an undisputed favourite of the public! Reason enough to invite the group again. In Sogno d’una notte Veneziana the musicians take you along to the poetical lagoon city of Venice. It will be a late evening concert steeped in atmosphere, a café-chantant avant la lettre with music by Monteverdi, Caccini, Frescobaldi and others.

The ‘recitar cantando’ – a reciting style of singing with emphasis on the meaning of the text – gets pride of place during this nocturnal programme. This style was born at sea, between war and peace, on the lips of seafarers and lovers. High-spirited Argentine soprano Mariana Flores revives the inexhaustible lyricism of the genre.

Mariana Flores, soprano | Quito Gato, lute & guitar | Lucile Boulanger,
viol | Leonardo García Alarcón, harpsichord, organ & artistic direction

Work by Giulio Caccini, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Claudio Monteverdi, Francesco Cavalli, Barbara Strozzi and Benedetto Ferrari

01 September, 2012 20:15 -- AMUZ

Ensemble Summer School & Cappella Pratensis

The vocal ensemble Cappella Pratensis can boast twenty-five years of experience and an interesting approach to historical performance practice. During this international summer school the group will guide advanced singers in the interpretation of sixteenth-century polyphony, sung from the original notation. The week culminates in this performance during the last festival day of Laus Polyphoniae.

More information and registration: www.musica.be

I.c.w. Musica, Impulscentrum voor muziek

02 September, 2012 09:00 -- Elzenveld

Ensemble Summer School & Cappella Pratensis

The vocal ensemble Cappella Pratensis can boast twenty-five years of experience and an interesting approach to historical performance practice. During this international summer school the group will guide advanced singers in the interpretation of sixteenth-century polyphony, sung from the original notation. The week culminates in this performance during the last festival day of Laus Polyphoniae.

More information and registration: www.musica.be

I.c.w. Musica, Impulscentrum voor muziek

02 September, 2012 09:00 -- Elzenveld

Concertos para Bebés

0 - 5 years old

The Portuguese success formula Concertos para Bebés enables babies, tiny tots and toddlers to familiarize themselves with classical music. The first time ensemble Musicalmente moored in Antwerp in the summer of 2011 was a great hit. This time the Belgian ensemble Encantar will contribute to this interactive performance for the littlest ones. Booking fast is in order!

The Concertos para Bebés happen on a play area in the middle of the hall. The musicians are surrounded by cushions for the young audience and their parents. Most children stay comfortably on the lap of mom or dad, but adventurous tots also venture among the musicians. Perfectly OK! Just like singing along, clapping hands, and last but not least: discovering actively! In keeping with the festival theme of Laus Polyphoniae 2012 the musicians bring classical music from the Adriatic Sea area.

I.c.w. Musica, Impulscentrum voor muziek

Musicalmente | Encantar | Paulo Lameiro, artistic direction

02 September, 2012 09:00 -- Theaterzaal Tutti Fratelli

Brunch met Joško Ćaleta

incl. brunch

Joško Ćaleta is a Croatian ethnomusicologist. With his ensemble Kantaduri he shares with us Glagolitic hymns on Laus Polyphoniae’s last day. This music belongs to an age-old tradition from Dalmatia. While you enjoy an abundant brunch Sofie Taes (AMUZ, University of Leuven, Alamire Foundation) talks with Ćaleta about his work as a musician and a researcher. 

The Glagolitic repertory was able to survive due to a privilege granted to the Slavonic peoples around the Adriatic Sea. They were allowed to use in addition to Latin their local vernacular within Roman liturgy, as a matter of subsidiarity. Although the term Glagolitic refers in the first place to an antique Slavonic kind of script, the Glagolitic tradition of singing has been transmitted mainly orally during the past millennium. During this brunch you will be fully informed about this quaint part of music history..

02 September, 2012 09:30 -- AMUZ


14.15: Sofie Taes interviews Joško Ćaleta

For ages Dalmatia was the playing ball of several political powers. Greeks and Romans asserted their influence, followed by the Ottoman empire, Venice, Hungary and Italy. Small wonder that exceedingly rich vocal traditions originated in this area. The singers of Kantaduri, all of them from Dalmatia, enable you to familiarize yourself with their musical past.

Just like the ensemble Faroski Kantaduri, which will be featured on 30 August on the festival stage of Laus Polyphoniae, Kantaduri specializes in Glagolitic hymns: a repertory that offers a mix of Gregorian chants with ancient, folkstyle singing traditions from Croatia. This particular type of religious music has been orally transmitted during the last ten centuries, still surviving in some coastal and island communities of Dalmatia. Seize this opportunity to hear these penetrating, age-old sounds live!

Joško Ćaleta, artistic direction

02 September, 2012 13:00 -- St.-Pauluskerk