Documentary concert – Missa Pange lingua
Josquin des Prez (ca. 1450/55-1521)
The mass has been passed down, in full or in part, in 22 sources: four prints and eighteen manuscripts. The most important sources are B-Br Ms. IV.922 (Occo-Codex), fol. 28v-41r (Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels), D-Ju Ms. 21, fol. 1v-18r (Universitätsbibliothek, Jena) and V-CVbav Ms. Capp. Sist. 16, fol. 36v-46r (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City). The numbering in New Josquin Edition is 4.3.
The cantus firmus of the Missa Pange lingua is the Gregorian hymn of the same name. The mass is in four parts.
This is a production of Alamire Foundation in collaboration with AMUZ.
Cappella Pratensis, with the cooperation of Alanna Ropchock Tierno & Stratton Bull
Stratton Bull, superius & artistic direction | Tim Braithwaite, superius | Lior Leibovici, altus | Korneel Van Neste, altus | Pieter De Moor, tenor | Julian Podger, tenor | Grantley McDonald, bassus | Marc Busnel, bassus
Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN