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Documentary concert – Missa Malheur me bat

Josquin des Prez (ca. 1450/55-1521)

The mass has been passed down, in full or in part, in 27 sources: ten prints and seventeen manuscripts. The most important of these are the Missarum Josquin liber secundus (Ottaviano Petrucci, Venice, 1505); B-Br Ms. 9126, fol. 82v-95r (Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels) and A Wn Ms. 11883, fol. 2r-11r (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna). The numbering in New Josquin Edition is 9.1.

The mass is based on the French polyphonic chanson Malheur me bat (Malcourt? Johannes Ockeghem? Johannes Martini?). The mass is in four parts; the Agnus Dei III is in six parts.

This is a production of Alamire Foundation in collaboration with AMUZ.

Huelgas Ensemble, with the cooperation of David Burn & Paul Van Nevel

Paul Van Nevel, artistic direction | Maud Gnidzaz, cantus | Dorothea Jakob, cantus | Sabine Lutzenberger, cantus | Helen Cassano, cantus | Paul Bentley-Angell, tenor | Vojtěch Semerád, tenor | Olivier Coiffet, tenor | Adriaan De Koster, tenor | Matthew Vine, tenor | Tom Phillips, tenor | Tim Scott Whiteley, bassus | Guillaume Olry, bassus

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

21 August, 2021 10:00

Cappella Pratensis – Josquin in Ferrara

Josquin in Ferrara

From April 1503 until April 1504, Josquin was choirmaster at the court of Duke Ercole I d’Este in Ferrara. His employment ended abruptly when the plague broke out. The duke wanted to show off his wealth and devoutness by appointing the best singers and the most expensive choirmaster. Josquin asked the highest fee of all the candidates, and the duke wanted the very best of the best. Cappella Pratensis will sing works that Josquin wrote in the duke’s honour, including the virtuoso motet Virgo salutiferi, O admirabile commercium, a cycle of five vespers antiphons for the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, and parts of the Missa Hercules dux Ferrarie.

J. des Prez: Inviolata integra et casta es, Virgo salutiferi/Ave Maria, Missa Hercules dux Ferrarie (Kyrie, Gloria), Benedicta es caelorum regina, O admirabile commercium

Andrew Hallock, Timothy Braithwaite, superius | Lior Leibovici, Korneel Van Neste, countertenor | Peter de Laurentiis, Pieter De Moor, tenor | Máté Bruckner, Marc Busnel, bass | Stratton Bull, superius & artistic director

Saturday 21 August 2021
20.00, AMUZ

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

21 August, 2021 20:00

Documentary concert – Missa Hercules dux Ferrarie

Josquin des Prez (ca. 1450/55-1521)

The mass has been passed down, in full or in part, in 35 sources: sixteen prints and nineteen manuscripts. The most important sources are the Missarum Josquin liber secundus (Ottaviano Petrucci, Venice, 1505); D-Ju Ms. 3, fol. 15v-28r (Universitätsbibliothek, Jena), I-Mfd Ms. 2267 (Librone 3), fol. 141v-147r (Archivio della Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, Sezione Musicale, Milan) and B-Br Ms. 9126, fol. 72v-82r as Missa Philippus rex Castille (Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels). The numbering in New Josquin Edition is 11.1.

The musical theme of the Missa Hercules dux Ferrarie is a ‘soggetto cavato’; the notes are derived from the name of Ercole I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara (Hercules dux Ferrarie: re-ut-re-ut-re-fa-mi-re). The mass is in four parts; the Agnus Dei III is in six parts.

This is a production of Alamire Foundation in collaboration with AMUZ.

Vox Luminis, with the cooperation of Patrick Macey & Lionel Meunier

Lionel Meunier, artistic direction | Victoria Cassano, superius | Alexander Chance, superius | João Moreira, altus | Vojtěch Semerád, altus | Adriaan De Koster, tenor | Jacob Lawrence, tenor | Lionel Meunier, bassus | Pieter Stas, bassus

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

22 August, 2021 10:00


Cela sans plus. Sur les ailes de Jossequin

Josquin composed dozens of chansons, but it is often difficult to work out exactly when and where he wrote them. His chansons are varied, but all of them demonstrate a refined perfection, from simple, naive gems to a melancholy mirror of our souls. Some of his chansons conform to mediaeval formal principles, but others astonish us with their Renaissance clarity. Pluto-ensemble, led by Marnix De Cat, presents this varied programme for voices and instruments. The ensemble will also improvise in 16th century style on a few famous chansons.

J. des Prez: Entrée suis en grant pensée, Entré je suis, La Bernardina, Fortuna d’un gran tempo, Scaramella, Ile fantazies de Joskin, Si j’ay perdu mon amy, Cela sans plus, Madame helas, Vive le roy, Plus nulz regretz, Que vous madame/In pace, Faulte d’argent, Nimphes nappés/Circumdederunt me, Adieu mes amours, Cueur langoreulx | J. Richafort: Circumdederunt me

Olivier Coiffet, tenor | Harry Van der Kamp, bass | Baptiste Romain, vielle | Romina Lischka, viola d’arco | Giovanna Pessi, harp | Marnix De Cat, superius, organetto & artistic director

Sunday 22 August 2021
20.00, AMUZ

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

22 August, 2021 20:00

Amaconsort (IYAP)

From Flanders to Flanders: high art from the Low Countries

Amaconsort was founded in 2017 by a group of German and Icelandic musicians studying at the conservatories in Basel and The Hague. The ensemble mainly focuses on 17th century baroque music and could be heard during the Fabulous Fringe series of concerts at the Oude Muziek Festival Utrecht in 2019. In 2019-2020, they were in residence at Rheinsberg castle in Germany. Their first CD, Round Thy Coast, includes compositions by C. Hacqaert, P. van Wichel, G. Finger and H. Purcell.

International Young Artists’ Presentation
The International Young Artists’ Presentation (IYAP) gives young vocal and instrumental artists and ensembles a foothold in the international music scene. The selected artists and ensembles are intensively coached and mentored by Peter Van Heyghen and Raquel Andueza. Discover them this summer in a concert at AMUZ.

Music by C. Hacquaert, P. van Wichel, C. Kist, N. a Kempis etc.

Lea Sobbe, recorder | Lena Rademann, violin | Martin Jantzen, viol | Halldór Arnarson, harpsichord

Monday 23 August 2021
12.00, AMUZ

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

23 August, 2021 12:00

Stile Antico (Laus Polyphoniae@YORK)

Missa Sine nomine
Laus Polyphoniae@YORK

The Missa Sine nomine is not based on existing material – hence the title ‘sine nomine’ – and demonstrates extraordinarily masterful use of the canon technique. Josquin is assumed to have written the Missa Sine nomine in honour of the late composer Johannes Ockeghem, along with the chanson Nymphes des bois. In turn, motets by Hieronymus Vinders and Jacquet de Mantua pay tribute to Josquin after the latter’s death. You will see and hear Stile Antico in concert at York Cathedral, one of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in Great Britain. Gramophone (UK) had the following to say about their award-winning CD recording of music by Josquin: “Cohesion and clarity of purpose … the tone is luminous, textures are admirably clear. It’s hard to fault Stile Antico’s execution … Those final laments make a heartfelt impression indeed.”

J. des Prez: Missa Sine nomine, Nymphes des bois/Requiem, Salve regina à 5 | H. Vinders: O mors inevitabilis | J. de Mantua: Dum vastos Adriae| J. Ockeghem: Alma redemptoris mater

Helen Ashby, Kate Ashby, Rebecca Hickey, soprano | Emma Ashby, Cara Curran, alto | Andrew Griffiths, Jonathan Hanley, Matthew Howard, Benedict Hymas, tenor | James Arthur, Will Dawes, Nathan Harrison, bass

Monday 23 August 2021
20.00, online
Duration: 60 minutes

Presented in association with the National Centre for Early Music, York.

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

23 August, 2021 20:00