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Vox Luminis

Missa L’homme armé sexti toni

The melody L’homme armé was a popular one at the time, and countless composers used it as a basis for the composition of a new mass. In his Missa L’homme armé sexti toni, Josquin demonstrates the range of techniques you can use to transform the melody into a complex, polyphonic work. Vox Luminis, masters of the interpretation of Baroque repertoire, explore the world of Franco-Flemish polyphony with their artistic leader Lionel Meunier. Their interpretation of Renaissance music promises to be every bit as good. “The refinement of Vox Luminis is never anything less than sublime”, enthuses Gramophone (UK). We entirely agree.

J. des Prez: Tu lumen tu splendor Patris, Tu solus qui facis mirabilia, Domine non secundum peccata, Usquequo Domine oblivisceris me, Missa L’homme armé sexti toni

Victoria Cassano, Tessa Roos, cantus | João Moreira, Alexander Chance, altus | Adriaan De Koster, Olivier Berten, Sebastian Myrus, Hidde Kleikamp, tenor | Bart Vandewege, Pieter Stas, bassus | Lionel Meunier, bassus & artistic direction

Wednesday 25 August 2021
20.00, AMUZ

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

25 August, 2021 20:00


The Polyphonic World Before We Were Born

OORT is an intimate sound experience that immerses you and three actors in sounds that we knew long before our first memories were formed.

Months before our birth, we encountered the world in the rustling and rumbling, beating and bubbling of the body that bore us and also in speech, laughter and song: a majestic, myriad, many-voiced mother-melody.

In OORT , three actors take you back to this sound setting. Discover all these sounds for yourself with your baby: you can hear them, and sometimes feel or see them as well. From these sounds music emerges, polyphonic and age-old, pure and stimulating.

OORT is an intimate theatre concert, a physical sound experience, that feels surprising, strange and familiar all at once.

Inspired by science, technology and Flemish polyphony.

Isabel Voets, concept | Astrid Bossuyt, Zoë Bossuyt, performer & concept | Anne Marie Honggokoesoemo, performer | Adrian Lenski, composer | Wim Van de Vyver, Alain Ongenaet, Karel Van Ransbeek, set design | Evelyne Meersschaut, costume and set design

For infants aged 0 to 14 months and their parents: maximum 2 accompanying persons per child
Thu 26.08.2021 to Sun 29.08.2021, at 10.00, 14.00 and 16.00 each day (no streaming available online)
Venue: De Studio, Maarschalk Gerardstraat 4, Antwerp
Duration: 45 minutes

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

26 August, 2021 00:00

Documentary concert – Missa Faisant regretz

Josquin des Prez (ca. 1450/55-1521)

The mass has been passed down, in full or in part, in thirteen sources: four prints and nine manuscripts. The most important sources are the Missarum Josquin liber tertius (Ottaviano Petrucci, Fossombrone, 1514); V-CVbav Ms. Capp. Sist. 23, fol. 118v-128r (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City) and A-Wn Mus.Hs. 15495 (Maximilian Codex), fol. 33v-47r (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna). The numbering in New Josquin Edition is 8.1.

The musical material of the Missa Faisant regretz is based on the polyphonic chanson Tout a par moy (Anonymous? Walter Frye? Gilles Binchois?). The mass is in four parts.

This is a production of Alamire Foundation in collaboration with AMUZ.

Huelgas Ensemble, with the cooperation of Fabrice Fitch & Paul Van Nevel

Paul Van Nevel, artistic direction | Maud Gnidzaz, cantus | Dorothea Jakob, cantus | Sabine Lutzenberger, cantus | Helen Cassano, cantus | Paul Bentley-Angell, tenor | Vojtěch Semerád, tenor | Olivier Coiffet, tenor | Adriaan De Koster, tenor | Matthew Vine, tenor | Tom Phillips, tenor | Tim Scott Whiteley, bassus | Guillaume Olry, bassus

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

26 August, 2021 10:00

Vocal Ensemble Cappella (Laus Polyphoniae@TOKIO)

Missa de Beata virgine
Laus Polyphoniae@TOKIO

The Virgin Mary was venerated in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. As such, the feasts in honour of the Virgin, such as the Assumption, were marked with all due ceremony. Josquin composed the Missa de Beata virgine and motets such as Gaude virgo and Alma redemptoris mater / Ave regina for the Marian devotions. Vocal Ensemble Cappella will be singing from Tokyo, which is a first for Laus Polyphoniae. The concert will alternate polyphony and Gregorian chant. The artistic director, Tetsuro Hanai, studied in the Low Countries. Since 1997, he has devoted himself and his ensemble to Gregorian chants and sacred music by Franco-Flemish polyphonists including Guillaume Du Fay, Johannes Ockeghem and Josquin des Prez.

J. des Prez: Missa De beata virgine, Gaude virgo mater Christi, Alma redemptoris mater/Ave regina caelorum | gregoriaans: Gaudeamus omnes in Domino, Beatam me dicent, Ite missa

Naomi Hanai, Aya Kaburaki, Mikae Natsuyama, superius | Yasunari Tomimoto, Kenichiro Watanabe, countertenor | Ichiro Negishi, Yutaka Oikawa, tenor | Yoshiki Tanimoto, Genki Sakurai, bassus | Tetsuro Hanai, artistic director

Thursday 26 August 2021
20.00, online

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

26 August, 2021 20:00

Vox Luminis – JOSQUIN day

Missa L’homme armé super voces musicales

10 a.m. Kyrie & Gloria
11 a.m. Credo
12 a.m. Sanctus
1 p.m. Agnus Dei

Lionel Meunier, bassus & artistic direction | Victoria Cassano, superius | Alexander Chance, superius | João Moreira, altus | Vojtěch Semerád, altus | Adriaan De Koster, tenor | Jacob Lawrence, tenor | Pieter Stas bassus

Fri 27.08.2021, online at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m. & 1 p.m.

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

27 August, 2021 11:00

Cappella Pratensis – Josquin and the art of eloquence

Josquin and the art of eloquence

Josquin lived in various Italian cities and worked for important political and religious figures. Coming into contact with artists and intellectuals there meant that he was also influenced by humanist ideas. Cappella Pratensis offers you a musical glimpse of the Italian literary scene at the time. Excerpts from historical texts will be heard in a recorded
reading by Marco Beasley. These were written by Girolamo Savonarola – a 15th century Dominican and theologist who turned the religious and political world upside down in his own time with his fiery sermons – the Italian poet and humanist Angelo Poliziano and the Roman poet Virgil.

JOSQUIN Day with Klara
500 years ago to this day, on 27 August 1521, Josquin des Prez died in Condé-sur-l’Escaut, a small town on the banks of the River Scheldt on the Franco-Belgian border. We will commemorate the celebrated composer with a full-day programme that you can follow online.

J. des Prez: Memor esto verbi tui, Dulces exuviae, O virgo prudentissima/Beata mater, Huc me sydereo/Plangent eum, In te Domine speravi, Miserere mei Deus

Andrew Hallock, Timothy Braithwaite, superius | Lior Leibovici, Korneel Van Neste, countertenor | Peter de Laurentiis, Pieter De Moor, tenor | Máté Bruckner, Marc Busnel, bass | Stratton Bull, superius & artistic director | Marco Beasley, speaker

Friday 27 August 2021
16.00, AMUZ

Laus Polyphoniae 2021 | JOSQUIN

27 August, 2021 16:00