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The Binchois Consort – Jacob Obrecht

Missa Scaramella

When the Ghent native Jacob Obrecht died of the plague in 1505, he left a significant oeuvre behind. And a few mysteries too. One of his most enigmatic works is the Missa Scaramella, a polyphonic mass wrought around an Italian folk song. Sadly only two of partbooks have survived: half of the original set. With the remaining material and the rules of composition used at the time, the musicologist and Renaissance specialist Fabrice Fitch has reconstructed the piece. The result is a downright astonishing composition that The Binchois Consort will present for the first time in this country! This concert is linked to Fabrice Fitch’s morning lecture. 


J. Obrecht: Missa Scaramella, Mater patris | J. des Prez: Scaramella | L. Compère: Scaramella | A. Brumel: Philippe qui videt me | A. Agricola: Sancte Philippe apostole | F. Fitch: Planctus David


David Allsopp, Tom Lilburn, alto | Dominic Bland, Nick Madden, Matthew Vine, tenor | , bass | Andrew Kirkman, artistic leader

Sat 31 August 2024

22:15 - St.-Pauluskerk


Category 1: € 33 / € 29

This concert is also included in the season tickets Laus Polyphoniae by night / by night XL