Home > Activiteiten > Comet Musicke – Diego Ortiz: Caleidoscopio

Comet Musicke – Diego Ortiz: Caleidoscopio

With his Trattado de glosas (1553) – a treatise on the noble art of the diminution – Diego Ortiz has found a place in our collective memory. But his religious music, collected in Musices liber primus (1565), has fallen into obscurity. Comet Musicke intends to set the situation to rights, initiating the rediscovery of this Iberian gem on the festival stage. The musicians have selected the perfect motets, songs and madrigals to emphasise the grace and virtuosity of Ortiz’ signature style in this sampling session. To top it all, expect contrapuntal tours de force for the organ, performed here by a string consort, and work by Hernando de Cabezón, Jacob Arcadelt and Francisco Guerrero that helps to round out our image of Ortiz.


Works by D. Ortiz, P. Sandrin, H. de Cabezón, P. de Tordesillas, J. Arcadelt, F. Guerrero, J. Dell Enzina & F. Patavino


Sarah Lefeuvre, soprano & flutes | Daniela Maltrain, soprano & vihuela de arco | Marie Favier, alto | Cyrille Métivier, alto, cornetto & vihuela de arco | François Joron, baritone | Jan Jeroen Bredewold, bass | Camille Rancière, bass & vihuela de arco | Aude-Marie Piloz, viol | Rémi Lécorché, trombone | Laurent Sauron, percussion | Francisco Mañalich, tenor, viol & artistic leader

Sat 31 August 2024

20:00 - AMUZ


Category 1: € 33 / € 29 | Category 2: € 29 / € 25