Home > Activiteiten > Dorothee Mields & Boreas Quartett Bremen – Basevi codex

Dorothee Mields & Boreas Quartett Bremen – Basevi codex

Motets and Songs from Alamire’s Smallest Manuscript

After participating in IYAP 2015, the recorder consort Boreas Quartett Bremen received a very special gift: a facsimile of the Basevi Codex. This 16th-century manuscript, produced in Petrus Alamire’s famous workshop, includes 87 works. Together, these motets, chansons, songs and parts of masses in French, Dutch, Latin and Italian paint a soundscape of the court of Margaret of Austria in Mechelen. The collection – one of the richest sources of secular Renaissance polyphony – continues to enchant the Boreas musicians. Fascination has become inspiration and creation. And the result is a concert programme! 

True to historically informed performance practice, the performers work within the limits set by the Basevi Codex. However, these limits offer more than sufficient space for a characterful interpretation in which the musicians can also reveal something of their own personalities. Dorothee Mields joins them in their exploration of the music. Her sublime voice enriches the selection of instrumental compositions from the manuscript, many of which are given virtuoso ornamentations. We certainly can’t wait to welcome this unique ensemble with their selection of works by Johannes Ghiselin, Pierre de la Rue, Jacob Obrecht, Loyset Compère, Antoine Brumel, Alexander Agricola, Johannes Ockeghem, Johannes Prioris, Heinrich Isaac and Matthaeus Pipelare.


Chansons from the Basevi Codex by Anon., J. Ghiselin, P. de la Rue, J. Obrecht, L. Compère, A. Brumel, M. Pipelare, A. Agricola, J. Ockeghem, J. Prioris and H. Isaac


Dorothée Mields, soprano | Jin-Ju Baek, Luise Manske, Julia Fritz, Elisabet Champollion, recorders

Sun 25 August 2024

22:15 - AMUZ


Category 1: € 28 / € 24 | Category 2: € 24 / € 20

This concert is also included in the season tickets Laus Polyphoniae by night XL