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On six Sundays during the season 14|15 AMUZ serves a lush brunch at its unique foyer. The marvelous 19th-century winter chapel, decorated with wall paintings in neo-Byzantine style, offers a perfect environment for a copious buffet. The brunches at AMUZ start at 11:30 a.m. If you feel like it, you can take in the matinee concert afterwards.

  • When? Preceding the matinee concerts on Sunday 12 October, 26 October, 9 November, 21 December (Christmas brunch), 18 January, 22 February and 1 March, from 11:30 a.m. on.
  • Where? AMUZ foyer, Kammenstraat 81, 2000 Antwerpen.
  • A brunch consists of: welcome cava, fruit juice, coffee and tea| oven-fresh assortment of bread | selection of fine cheeses and cold cuts | sweet and salty sandwich filling | hot and cold seasonal dishes | choice of desserts.
  • Price: a brunch costs € 29 for those who attend the concert and € 36 if you don’t have or buy a ticket. Groups of minimally 8 persons pay only € 32 each. Children from 3 to 13 can eat their fill for half the price. Concert tickets are not included in the price.
  • Advance booking is imperative.

Do you want to offer someone a brunch and a concert in AMUZ? Then take a look at our gift vouchers.

Order online
12 October: order brunch
26 October: order brunch
9 November: order brunch
21 December: order brunch
18 January: order brunch
22 February: order brunch
1 March: order brunch

09 November, 2014 10:30 -- AMUZ

Salagon Quartett

Brunch option

The German Salagon Quartett enables you to experience a string quartet at its most eloquent and poignant. The ensemble was founded in 2004 by four dedicated chamber musicians, among them Christine Busch, who proved their mettle with the most renowned ensembles. The group ranges across the whole stylistic gamut of 18th-century music.

Among the composers on the programme the least famous is Joseph Martin Kraus, but the maelstrom of emotional power exuded by his string quartet is amazing. Between Haydn and young Mozart a mutual exchange of ideas happened. Carefully observed by master Haydn, Mozart edged his own way through.

Christine Busch, violin | Lisa Immer, violin | Sebastian Wohlfarth, viola | Gesine Queyras, cello 

J. Haydn: Strijkkwartet in C, opus 76 nr. 3 | J.M. Kraus: Strijkkwartet in Bes, opus 1 nr. 2 | W.A. Mozart: Strijkkwartet in d, KV 421

09 November, 2014 14:00 -- AMUZ

Salagon Quartett


The German Salagon Quartett enables you to experience a string quartet at its most eloquent and poignant. The ensemble was founded in 2004 by four dedicated chamber musicians, among them Christine Busch, who proved their mettle with the most renowned ensembles. The group ranges across the whole stylistic gamut of 18th-century music. 

Among the composers on the programme the least famous is Joseph Martin Kraus, but the maelstrom of emotional power exuded by his string quartet is amazing. Between Haydn and young Mozart a mutual exchange of ideas happened. Carefully observed by master Haydn, Mozart edged his own way through.

09 November, 2014 15:00 -- AMUZ


19:15 Elise Simoens interviews Eric Sleichim (in Dutch)

For the fifth edition of the Peace Concert BL!NDMAN dusts off a movie from 1927 out of the archives. Wings won the very first Oscar (Academy Award) for best film as well as for best special effects. BL!NDMAN (drums) will accompany this silent movie with selected percussion pieces from the 20th- and 21st-century and from live electronics.

The story is about two young men – one rich, the other from the middle-class – who fall in love with the same woman. However, soon there is a dramatic shift in their priorities: the First World War erupts and both men become fighter pilots in the budding US Air Force. As a result of their shared war experience their rivalry develops into a deep friendship. Before and after the concert you can visit the exhibition Music & WWI, an initiative of the Provincie of Antwerp. Please note: the duration of this concert is ca. 144 minutes.

I.c.w. Vredescentrum Antwerpen

11 November, 2014 19:00

BL!NDMAN [drums]


For the fifth edition of the Peace Concert BL!NDMAN dusts off a movie from 1927 out of the archives. Wings won the very first Oscar (Academy Award) for best film as well as for best special effects. BL!NDMAN (drums) will accompany this silent movie with selected percussion pieces from the 20th- and 21st-century and from live electronics. 

The story is about two young men – one rich, the other from the middle-class – who fall in love with the same woman. However, soon there is a dramatic shift in their priorities: the First World War erupts and both men become fighter pilots in the budding US Air Force. As a result of their shared war experience their rivalry develops into a deep friendship. 

Before and after the concert you can visit the exhibition Music & WWI, an initiative of the Provincie of Antwerp. Please note: the duration of this concert is ca. 144 minutes.

11 November, 2014 20:00 -- AMUZ

Isabelle van Keulen Ensemble

20:15 Introduction (in Dutch) by Nicole Van Opstal

Isabelle van Keulen is a top-notch violinist. She performs in the most famous concert halls all over the world, concurrently recording one exceptional CD after the other. Recently she managed to complete an entirely new project that she had been dreaming about since her early youth: a CD recording and a tour with music by the Argentine tango musician, bandoneon player and composer Astor Piazolla (1921-1992).

Van Keulen first discovered Piazolla’s works when she was about six years old. When her mother gave her an LP with Piazolla’s best-known pieces she was immediately entranced by them. Tango! is therefore a long cherished dream come true. The Isabelle van Keulen Ensemble, especially founded for this purpose, plays Piazolla’s music to perfection: unpolished, raw and naked. From heart to heart.

Christine Gerber, bandoneon | Ulrike Payer, piano | Rüdiger Ludwig, double bass | Isabelle van Keulen, violin & artistic direction


13 November, 2014 20:00 -- AMUZ