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Hespèrion XXI

You can’t go more British than that: the In Nomine repertoire for viol consort! Jordi Savall and Hespèrion XXI selected the best from two centuries of instrumental polyphony.
English music from the 16th and 17th century can boast some peculiarities and exclusivities. The In Nomine repertoire, for example: a unique instrumental genre with the antiphony Gloria tibi Trinitas, sung in the Sarum rite, as its musical foundation. More than 150 works by some 60 composers have been handed down as of today: these brilliant compositions by Taverner, Tye, Lawes, Purcell and many others are the backbone of the English consort music and a great source of inspiration for Jordi Savall, himself a living legend on the viol.
With his six-part Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas John Taverner is at the origins of the In Nomine: the second part of his Benedictus, with as incipit the four-part section “In nomine Domini”, was extracted from the Mass and started to lead a life of its own. The sober setting and the recognizable basic melody fertilized a whole gamut of instrumental versions – from strictly imitative to strongly expressive, including ingenious musical pingpong games between the diverse composers. Their musical quotations and references as the quintessence of ‘friendly emulation’ stimulated Hespèrion XXI to explore unity and diversity in a shimmering late evening concert.

31 August, 2013 20:15 -- St.-Carolus Borromeuskerk

Concertos para Bebés

0 - 5 jaar

The Portuguese best seller Concertos para Bebés enables babies, toddlers and under five to familiarize themselves with classical music. The first visit of ensemble Musicalmente to Antwerp in the summer of 2011 was a smashing hit. This time the recorder ensemble Mezzaluna joins this interactive performance for the littlest ones. Be sure to book early!

The Concertos para Bebés happen on a play area in the middle of the hall. Around the musicians there are cushions for the young audience and their parents. Most children like to stay on the lap of mom or dad, but the most adventurous ones also venture among the musicians. No restrictions! Just like singing along, clapping hands, and most of all: actively discovering! In line with the festival theme of Laus Polyphoniae 2013 the musicians bring classical music from the reign of Elizabeth I.

In collaboration with Musica, Impulse Centre for Music.


01 September, 2013 09:00 -- Theaterzaal Tutti Fratelli

Capilla Flamenca & HERMESensemble

Cherished frequenters of the Laus Polyphoniae stage: Capilla Flamenca, especially for  this occasion in the company of the contemporary music specialists of the HERMESensemble. On the menu: lamentations  of Jeremiah from the oeuvre of English Renaissance composers, in a daring dialogue with brand-new work by Belgian composer Daan Janssens. He was inspired by the polyphonic settings of the initial Hebrew letters of the lamentation verses, taking his cue for his own instrumental melismata from that model.
In the ancient Jewish book of creation, the Sefer Yetzirah, “Aleph” is described as “King over Breath, Formed Air in the Universe, Chest in the Soul”. Aleph is the sign that gives life and, as first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, one of the incipits of Jeremiah’s lamentations that has been most frequently musically expressed. The often extremely complex melismata of these initials, woven into musical lacework,  seduced Capilla Flamenca and HERMESensemble into a performance that will build bridges between centuries, spaces, repertoires and voices.

01 September, 2013 13:00 -- AMUZ

Concertos para Bebés

0 - 5 years old

The Portuguese success formula Concertos para Bebés enables babies, tiny tots and toddlers to familiarize themselves with classical music. The first time ensemble Musicalmente moored in Antwerp in the summer of 2011 was a great hit. This time the Belgian ensemble Encantar will contribute to this interactive performance for the littlest ones. Booking fast is in order!

The Concertos para Bebés happen on a play area in the middle of the hall. The musicians are surrounded by cushions for the young audience and their parents. Most children stay comfortably on the lap of mom or dad, but adventurous tots also venture among the musicians. Perfectly OK! Just like singing along, clapping hands, and last but not least: discovering actively! In keeping with the festival theme of Laus Polyphoniae 2012 the musicians bring classical music from the Adriatic Sea area.

I.c.w. Musica, Impulscentrum voor muziek

Musicalmente | Encantar | Paulo Lameiro, artistic direction

01 September, 2013 14:00 -- Theaterzaal Tutti Fratelli

I Fagiolini & Octopus Kamerkoor

Introduction by 
Ignace Bossuyt
(Dutch spoken)

For the organ point of the 20th edition of Laus Polyphoniae some ‘pump and circumstance’ is in order: 80 musicians wave the celebrated one goodbye  with the ‘composition in residence’ and an equally monumental Mass!
Even a metropolis such as London shook on its foundations when the Italian Alessandro Striggio bounced it in 1567 with his extravagant, forty-part Ecce beatam lucem. Like anywhere else in Europe this sound carpet could immediately count on acclaim, also from Thomas Tallis – one of the fixtures of Elizabeth’s musical household. Shortly afterwards Tallis himself proved his mettle with Spem in alium: an impressive polyphonic construction in which eight five-part choirs work wonders with chords and motifs.
As Tallis’s forty-part creation originates in the period when The Virgin Queen – his patroness – celebrated her fortieth anniversary, it is plausible that the work was meant as a present for the music-loving queen. According to another hypothesis Tallis was commissioned by some noblemen to write a counterpart of Striggio’s motet with a view to surpassing this piece of Italian bravura with English class. At any rate the result is fabulous: an ingenious interweaving of consonance and counterpoint, for this occasion stacked up into a cathedral of sound by the British I Fagiolini and the Belgian Chamber Choir Octopus.
01 September, 2013 18:00 -- St.-Pauluskerk

Open Monumentendag

On the second Sunday of September traditionally ‘Immovable Heritage’ is focussed on during Open Monument Day. AMUZ organizes guided tours in the former St Augustine’s church. Discover this jewel of baroque architecture serving as a contemporary concert venue today.
The guided tours are for free and take place at 1.30, 11.30 and 12.30 a.m., and 1.30, 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. It is imperative to sign up in advance by sending an email to tickets@amuz.be. The guided tours are Dutch spoken. On Open Monument Day you can also visit AMUZ freely between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

08 September, 2013 08:00 -- AMUZ