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Introduction by Sofie Taes

Renaissance has been labeled as a blooming period of the fine arts with Italy setting the course. Surprisingly though, not much music is known from 15th-century Italy. In this socalled mute period a new style originated at the core of humanistic literature, mingling erudition with popular elements. Of this repertory only a couple of songs have come down to us.

Daedalus wants to approach Renaissance music as originally as possible, searching for analogies of music that is hard to contextualize, and following tracks up to modern times. The artist in residence will bring profane odes, jokes, idyllic songs, dance songs and old Italian poems. The music of anonymous masters and the poetry of Leonardo Giustiniani will be infused with new life on period instruments. This way you will discover the mystery of unwritten music: resplendent with light, full of life, and with marvellous voices to boot!

Monika Mauch, soprano | Pascal Bertin, alto | Josep Benet, tenor | Bernd Lambauer, tenor | Josep Cabré, baritone | Margherita degli Esposti, flute | Roberto Festa,  flute & artistic direction | Hugh Sandilands, lute | Brigitte Gasser, viol | Sylvia Tecardi, viola da viol

26 August, 2012 18:00 -- St.-Carolus Borromeuskerk

Café Trieste / Café Dubrovnik

AMUZ en Behoud de Begeerte presenteren een reeks literaire late-nightgesprekken met muzikale intermezzo’s door artiesten uit het Adriatische Zeegebied. Na het succes van Café Saudade tijdens de vorige festivaleditie, worden de cafédeuren opnieuw geopend voor een sfeervolle bijeenkomst onder muziek- en literatuurliefhebbers.

De rijke en soms turbulente geschiedenis van Italië en de Balkan was de voedingsbodem voor een gevarieerd cultureel, muzikaal en literair erfgoed. Stof genoeg voor gastvrouw Fien Sabbe om in dialoog te treden met haar gasten. Elke avond wordt opgeluisterd met muziek uit de Adriatische regio.

I.s.m. Behoud de Begeerte

26 August, 2012 20:15 -- AMUZ

Zomercursus A: Oude muziek, van oude partituur tot actueel concert

Summer course on early music. Dutch spoken.

27 August, 2012 08:00 -- Elzenveld

Zomercursus A: Oude muziek, van oude partituur tot actueel concert

Summer course on early music. Dutch spoken.

27 August, 2012 08:00 -- Elzenveld


Leonardo Giustiniani was a poet, humanist and statesman in 15th-century Venice. He was famous for being a talented improviser who accompanied his own verses on lute and lira da braccio. What characterized him was the use of Venetian dialect. This resulted in the birth of the term ‘cantare alla veneziana’. Ensemble Medusa engages on a quest for the soul of this unwritten singing style.

The artistic director of this programme is Patrizia Bovi, who in 2004 was artist in residence of Laus Polyphoniae with Ensemble Micrologus. Ever since, this charming mezzo has been raising her visibility with several appearances on the stage of AMUZ. Ensemble Medusa takes care of a subtle accompaniment that is equally authentic and subtile, thus pointing the way to Renaissance Italy, seen through the eyes of Giustiniani

Patrizia Bovi, voice, harp & artistic direction | Crawford Young, lute & viola da mano | Leah Stuttard, harp & bray pin harp | Gabriele Miracle, dulcimer & percussion.


27 August, 2012 11:00 -- AMUZ

Ex Cathedra, Concerto Palatino & His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts

Nicole Van Opstal
interviews Jeffrey Skidmore

Exactly four hundred years ago Giovanni Gabrieli passed away, the most important composer of the Venetian High Renaissance and a key figure in the rise of baroque. Ex Cathedra, Concerto Palatino and His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts combine their forces for a festive homage that will obtain extra splendour due to the noble sounds of their cornetts and sagbutts.

Giovanni Gabrieli‘s claim to fame is largely based on his compositions for ‘cori spezzati’: choral groups that are distributed spatially, to be deployed in alternation, creating a stereo effect as it were. He manages to blend this technique with the glorious Venetian polyphony that resounded in the Doge Palace and in San Marco basilica. Not only the music, but also the unique collaboration between three international top ensembles recommend this concert strongly for connoisseurs! On the programme feature multi-choral ceremonial works and religious motets from Gabrieli’s Sacrae symphoniae.

Bruce Dickey, artistic direction | Jeremy West, artistic direction | Jeffrey Skidmore, artistic direction & project direction


27 August, 2012 18:00 -- St.-Pauluskerk