19.15 Introduction by Sofie Taes
The biblical story of the stunningly beautiful Judith, who beheads her enemy Holophernes, inspired the 16th-century poet Marko Marulić to one of his few works in his own vernacular, the Croatian language. The text has come down to us without music, but on the basis of its metrical structure Katarina Livljanić was in a position to link the verses to some old-Slavic melodies that were passed down orally through the ages.
Only a talented artist combined in one person with a patient researcher is capable of taking advantage of the relics of days long gone to make a contemporary production that can captivate today’s listeners in rapt attention. Katarina Livljanić brilliantly pulls off this tour de force. Judith is a thrillingly beautiful concert centred around her pure voice and her penetrating performance. The singer is accompanied by medievalist Norbert Rodenkirchen and by musical jack-of-all-trades Albert Maurer.
Katarina Livljanić voice & artistic direction | Albrecht Maurer, fiddle & lirica | Norbert Rodenkirchen, flutes