Salagon Quartett
String quartets at the dawn of modernism
Especially for this festival, the four musicians of the Salagon Quartett have taken up the challenge of playing late Romantic string quartets by composers clearly influenced by Brahms.
The String Quartet in D major, written in 1897, is the earliest of Schönbergs major works. Bathed in a pastoral atmosphere, this quartet clearly shows how Schönberg embraced Brahms compositional style. Schönbergs friend Alexander von Zemlinsky advised the self- taught composer on the quartet and even sent a draft of it to Brahms, already a legend in his own lifetime, who gave the piece his approval. Brahms influence is also still clear in the style and texture of Langsamer Satz, composed in 1909, even though Anton Webern would later become famous as one of the standard bearers of dodecaphony. Finally, Zemlinskys string quartet is proof of his ability to create his own idiom within a typical late nineteenth- century melody and harmony.