Lets Radiokoor
20.15: Introduction (in Dutch) by Rudy Tambuyser
This concert can be part of the subscription:
Latvia is the epicentre of choral music: singing is almost a national sport there, and the Latvian Radio Choir counts as a vocal signboard. Therefore connoisseurs feel the choir is among the very best in the world. In a special programme the choir will let you enjoy a splendid and at the same time unexpected marriage between the romantic Western and the contemporary Oriental choral repertoire.
Toshio Hosokawa wrote a tribute to Schumann with Die Lotosblume for choir and percussion, on a text by Heine. Their shared fascination with nature also has it repercussions in the work of Toru Takemitsu, another musical role model for Hosokawa. Simplicity grown still and complex outbursts go hand in hand with refined polyphony and adamant declamation. A listening experience that will not be available again soon, if at all!
Kaspars Putnins, artistic direction
R. Schumann: ‘Klosterfräulein’ en ‘Die Capelle’ uit Romanzen, opus 69 | J. Brahms: ‘Einförmig ist der Liebe Gram’ uit 13 Kanons für Frauenstimmen, opus 113 | 3 Gesänge, opus 42 | T. Takemitsu: Wind Horse | T. Hosokawa: Die Lotosblume | G. Wenjing: Echoes of heaven and earth | R. Paidere: A verso l’alto | M. Fujita: Swan and Morning Dews
I.c.w. Concertgebouw Brugge