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Anne Azéma en Susanne Ansorg

Reine d’un jour: The Decameron, Canterbury Tales and other mediaeval stories set to music

We could dream of no one better than Anne Azema, the expressive French soprano and storyteller, to combine the beauty, passion and saucy details of the literary classics The Canterbury Tales and The Decameron with mediaeval songs on the same themes. She will be accompanied by Susanne Ansorg on the vielle and gittern.

With Dutch surtitles

21 August, 2016 22:15 -- rubenshuis

Gothic Voices

Pilgrimage to Canterbury

Inspired by Chaucers Canterbury Tales, Gothic Voices takes us on an imaginary pilgrimage to the shrine of St Thomas in Canterbury. The four singers perform motets, English cantilenas and monophonic chants in honour of the martyr, alternated with Marian hymns and antiphons and secular songs. There will also be readings from the Pardoners Tale, one of Chaucers stories, and the poem Lestentytz lordyngs bothe grete and smale.

This programme was previously known as Masters of the Rolls.

21 August, 2016 22:15 -- st-andrieskerk

Le Miroir de Musique

Machaut et les visages de la mort

For Guillaume de Machaut, the absolute master of the ars nova, the idea of death is a very prominent poetic motif. He is particularly concerned with the lovers death, sometimes presented as salvation (from the tortures of love), and sometimes as overpowering pain (being separated from the beloved). Machaut reuses this theme here in a religious context: the death of Christ on the cross. These references between themes create a fascinating complexity in the music. Le Miroir de Musique introduces you to Machauts unparalleled style.

22 August, 2016 13:00 -- st-joriskerk

David Catalunya


David Catalunya has done years of research into the Las Huelgas Codex, one of the most important European manuscripts of late mediaeval polyphonic music. This is the first time that he will present his research to the general public.

in English

22 August, 2016 15:00 -- amuz

Canto Coronato

Earthly Sirens – The Las Huelgas Codex and newly discovered sources

After the theory comes practice: David Catalunya and the singers and musicians of Canto Coronato present new reconstructions of pieces from the Las Huelgas Codex and other mediaeval sources. A world premiere for Laus Polyphoniae!

22 August, 2016 20:00 -- st-pauluskerk

Anne Azéma en Susanne Ansorg

Reine d’un jour: The Decameron, Canterbury Tales and other mediaeval stories set to music

We could dream of no one better than Anne Azema, the expressive French soprano and storyteller, to combine the beauty, passion and saucy details of the literary classics The Canterbury Tales and The Decameron with mediaeval songs on the same themes. She will be accompanied by Susanne Ansorg on the vielle and gittern.

With Dutch surtitles

22 August, 2016 22:15 -- rubenshuis