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Vox Luminis

Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott

Five hundred years ago, Luther announced his theses in Wittenberg, sparking off the Reformation. Vox Luminis, now an established international name in the world of early music, has immersed itself in the German music of Luthers time and the period that followed, with works by composers including Heinrich Scheidemann, Michael Altenburg, Andreas Hammerschmidt, Paul Siefert, Michael Praetorius, Samuel Scheidt and Thomas Selle. The concert is constructed to reflect the Protestant ecclesiastical calendar, and includes the famous melody Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.

22 August, 2017 20:00 -- st-jacobskerk

Zefiro Torna & Frank Vaganée Trio

Scattered rhymes, a tribute to Francesco Petrarca

Petrarchs sonnets have been a source of inspiration for countless poets through the centuries, and have been set to music by great composers such as da Bologna, de Rore, Lassus, Monteverdi and Liszt. Zefiro Torna travels through time with the jazz formation Frank Vaganée Trio. The remarkable dialogue between early music and contemporary jazz was an unforgettable experience in 2016 and we expect no less this year.

22 August, 2017 22:15 -- amuz

Marc Vanscheeuwijck

Lecture on Petrarch and music

Marc Vanscheeuwijck (University of Oregon), a specialist in Italian music, tells us about Petrarchs feelings for the unattainable Laura and the masterly settings of his poems from the Canzoniere.

English spoken

23 August, 2017 13:00 -- amuz

Marco Beasley

Il labirinto di Isabella

A concert will be held after the documentary Ad tempo taci. Marco Beasley and his ensemble bring the Renaissance songs written for Isabella dEste from the palace in Mantua to AMUZ. The songs are an ode to the Italian language, the classical poetic form and traditional singing and recital techniques. They give us a glimpse of the close link between Italy and the Kingdom of Aragon, represent Italian humanism and sing the infinite praises of life and love. Italian passion at its best!

23 August, 2017 15:30 -- amuz

Resto Tavola D’Amore

Festival restaurant at Laus Polyphoniae 2017

Enjoy a festival menu before the evening concerts at AMUZ during Laus Polyphoniae. You can also have lunch in the foyer. Concert tickets are not included in the meal prices stated.

STARTER, choice of:
Fresh salad with buffalo mozzarella and grilled vegetables, Focaccia duo or Melanzane alla parmigiana (baked aubergines with mozzarella and fresh basil)

MAIN COURSE, choice of:
Cannelloni with cod and crab, Veal roulade with Parma ham, red pesto & taleggio or Lasagne with green asparagus, ricotta & spinach

Every day from Saturday 19.08 until Saturday 26.08.17, from 12.00 onwards in the AMUZ foyer. Daily selection of bruschetta at various prices depending on availability that day. No reservation required

23 August, 2017 18:00 -- amuz

Marco Beasley

Il labirinto di Isabella

A concert will be held after the documentary Ad tempo taci. Marco Beasley and his ensemble bring the Renaissance songs written for Isabella dEste from the palace in Mantua to AMUZ. The songs are an ode to the Italian language, the classical poetic form and traditional singing and recital techniques. They give us a glimpse of the close link between Italy and the Kingdom of Aragon, represent Italian humanism and sing the infinite praises of life and love. Italian passion at its best!

23 August, 2017 20:00 -- amuz