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Huelgas Ensemble

O Crux, splendidior

The cross on which Jesus died symbolises his suffering, but also atonement and redemption.
Huelgas Ensemble sings the Stabat mater in an early, polyphonic Italian version as well as settings by Josquin des Prez and Orlandus Lassus. The widespread texts in adoration of the cross and several verses of the Holy Week hymn demonstrate that composers of practically every generation (Guerrero, Compère, de Rore, Palestrina and others) were inspired by these mystical texts. An evening with a myriad of emotions surrounding a single story.

25 August, 2017 20:00 -- st-pauluskerk

Sollazzo Ensemble

“Nuit et Iour”, obsession amoureuse dans le répertoire de l’ars nova

Nuit et Iour explores the extremities of love poetry in the ars nova: from overwhelming infatuation to a disastrous breakup. Sollazzo Ensemble also bridges the gap between amorous and religious love, singing lauds from the 13th century. These hymns helped the laudesi (brotherhoods) to achieve a state of religious ecstasy. The award-winning young Sollazzo Ensemble made an unforgettable impression at Laus Polyphoniae last year. De Standaard wrote: Seldom is such depth heard on stage.

25 August, 2017 22:15 -- amuz

Resto Tavola D’Amore

Festival restaurant at Laus Polyphoniae 2017

Enjoy a festival menu before the evening concerts at AMUZ during Laus Polyphoniae. You can also have lunch in the foyer. Concert tickets are not included in the meal prices stated.

STARTER, choice of:
Fresh salad with buffalo mozzarella and grilled vegetables, Focaccia duo or Melanzane alla parmigiana (baked aubergines with mozzarella and fresh basil)

MAIN COURSE, choice of:
Cannelloni with cod and crab, Veal roulade with Parma ham, red pesto & taleggio or Lasagne with green asparagus, ricotta & spinach

Every day from Saturday 19.08 until Saturday 26.08.17, from 12.00 onwards in the AMUZ foyer. Daily selection of bruschetta at various prices depending on availability that day. No reservation required

26 August, 2017 18:00 -- amuz


Le repas de la mariée

Micrologus specialises in the musical heritage of the Mediterranean. This ensemble led by Patrizia Bovi presents burlesque carnival songs from the 15th and 16th centuries. In these frottolas and villottas from Paris, Perugia and Montecasino, characters from the Commedia dellArte spin tales of betrayal, despair and all-conquering love, as well as revealing what will be eaten during the first wedding night.

26 August, 2017 20:00 -- amuz

Orlando Consort

Guillaume de Machaut: Le voir dit

The renowned English Orlando Consort of male voices sings the chansons from Machauts taleLe Voir Dit. This autobiographical book recounts the elderly Machauts love for a woman forty years his junior. The singers reveal the lyrical beauty, sensual imagery and harmonic brilliance of Machauts music, reciting excerpts from the lengthy volume.

26 August, 2017 22:15 -- st-andrieskerk

Slotconcert summerschool

Omnium bonorum plena

In the 15th century, Cambrai was the epicentre of polyphony in the Low Countries. Composers linked to Cambrai Cathedral are still considered among the greatest today: they include Du Fay, Ockeghem, Tinctoris, Agricola and Obrecht. During the summer school Omnium bonorum plena, specialists from Cappella Pratensis will teach a course on singing polyphony based on the citys repertoire. The results of an intensive week can be heard at this presentation.

27 August, 2017 11:00 -- ku-leuven-campus-carolus-antwerpen