Gene Bervoets & Il Giardino Armonico
After the havoc wreaked by typhoon Haiyan, AMUZ and Picture for a Cause join forces with a view to helping the Philippine Islands. You are cordially invited to a benefit concert of top-notch baroque music, performed by the brilliant Italian ensemble Il Giardino Armonico. The evening will be hosted by Gene Bervoets.
Small wonder that Il Giardino Armonico is the favourite ensemble of world stars such as Cecilia Bartoli and Daniele De Niese. The musicians exude an exceptional joy of playing. For many music lovers this group is simply the most outstanding baroque orchestra. Conductor Giovanni Antonini founded his ensemble in 1985, Il Giardino Armonico was the first Italian orchestra playing exclusively on period instruments. Italian music culture was not yet hospitable to the historically informed movement, but Antonini managed to win his compatriots over. In this concert he will entrance you with music by Vivaldi, Purcell, Scarlatti and von Biber.
Picture for a Cause is a highly motivated team of young people with an international heart who want to make a difference in aid provided from a distance. Some of them have Filipino roots. This organisation is busy these days with professional portrait photography of people who show their heart for the Filipinos. The pictures will be projected in AMUZ, and subsequently they will be collected in a traveling exhibition. You too will be given an opportunity to be photographed professionally for the good cause! No need of reservation, just bring along a € 10 banknote.
G. Ph. Telemann: Concerto in g voor blokfluit, twee violen & basso continuo | H.I.F. von Biber: Partita voor twee violen & basso continuo | A. Vivaldi: Triosonate voor twee violen & basso continuo ‘La Follia’ RV 63 | A. Scarlatti: Sonate in c voor blokfluit, twee violen & basso continuo | H. Purcell: Sonate in Bes voor twee violen & basso continuo | A. Vivaldi, Concerto voor blokfluit, twee violen & basso continuo ‘La Notte’ RV 104
In partnership with Haiyan 21-21 & Picture for a Cause