The Tallis Scholars & Psallentes – TERCE & MASS
The Divine Office: that’s British tradition through and through! The Tallis Scholars and Psallentes will be all present eight times for a mini concert with Elizabethan repertoire to sing divine office: a musical total immersion experience for connoisseurs and the daring.
Sung prayers have since times immemorial been part and parcel of the office: the daily divine office that defined the life of millions of worshippers for ages. In 2013 attending such a complete cycle has become a unique experience, and Laus Polyphoniae is absolutely determined to share it with you! In these concerts of superb quality the polyphonic and Gregorian chants of The Divine office will not only stimulate your ears, but penetrate into your head, heart and soul.
The Divine Office or ‘Liturgy of the Hours’ has been guiding catholic congregations through the day with prayer and hymns for centuries and centuries. Also in Tudor England, from the Matins to the Compline (Night Prayer), a sequence of psalms, hymns, canticles, readings and antiphonies were recited or sung – now in unison, then again in sober polyphony or in surprisingly abundant polyphonic arrangements. What remains of this, is a treasure of music which, combined into a complete cycle of eight components, can result in an unmatched spiritual experience even today. The singers who took up this challenge? The British top choir The Tallis Scholars and Psallentes, our own Flemish specialist par excellence of the liturgical repertoire.
Sung prayers have since times immemorial been part and parcel of the office: the daily divine office that defined the life of millions of worshippers for ages. In 2013 attending such a complete cycle has become a unique experience, and Laus Polyphoniae is absolutely determined to share it with you! In these concerts of superb quality the polyphonic and Gregorian chants of The Divine office will not only stimulate your ears, but penetrate into your head, heart and soul.
The Divine Office or ‘Liturgy of the Hours’ has been guiding catholic congregations through the day with prayer and hymns for centuries and centuries. Also in Tudor England, from the Matins to the Compline (Night Prayer), a sequence of psalms, hymns, canticles, readings and antiphonies were recited or sung – now in unison, then again in sober polyphony or in surprisingly abundant polyphonic arrangements. What remains of this, is a treasure of music which, combined into a complete cycle of eight components, can result in an unmatched spiritual experience even today. The singers who took up this challenge? The British top choir The Tallis Scholars and Psallentes, our own Flemish specialist par excellence of the liturgical repertoire.