The final concert by HERMESensemble features a selection of Pärt’s greatest hits: Für Alina, Spiegel im Spiegel, Fratres … With this poignantly pure music Pärt manages to touch both the young and the old right in the core of their spiritual heart.
Pärt belongs to popular culture, witness the numerous soundtracks for films and his success on websites such as youtube. Inspired by a video with Spiegel im Spiegel a fan wrote: “If all music would be destroyed, wiped off the earth, erased from ourmemories, all but this piece, then this would be the crying over that, and everything would be fine, we would be fine.” Come and listen to Spiegel im Spiegel, and you will understand this observaton immediately.
Arvo Pärt: Fratres – Scala Cromatica – Da Pacem Domine – Estlander – Für Alina – Passacaglia – Partita, opus 2 – Wallfahrtslied – Spiegel im Spiegel – Summa