Forma Antiqva
The brothers Pablo, Daniel and Aarón Zapico belong to a young generation of outstanding musicians from Spain, boasting a considerable track record: with their ensemble Forma Antiqva they have already toured throughout the world. During an exclusive concert at the Rubens House they play 17th- and 18th-century dance music from their country. These baroque sounds on harpsichord and plucked string instruments will transport you to the mild South in the blink of an eye.
The fandango is a dance that originated with the black population of America, but in the 18th century it was also popular in Spain. Like the chaconne, it was maligned as voluptuous and immoral, albeit without interfering at all with its popularity. Forma Antiqva’s selection includes a fandango by Domenico Scarlatti: Italian by birth, but also claimed by Spain! Scarlatti apparently liked this situation – witness his long stay in that country, and generous portions of his oeuvre that are steeped in Spanish folklore.
I.c.w. Rubenshuis
Pablo Zapico, baroque guitar | Daniel Zapico, theorbo | Aarón Zapico, harpsichord