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Sollazzo Ensemble (uitverkocht)

Triste plaisir. Three moments in the life of Mary of Burgundy

Anna Danilevskaia has drawn inspiration from key moments in Mary of Burgundys short and turbulent life. With music by Guillaume Du Fay, Gilles Binchois, Marbrianus de Orto and Pierre Fontaine, Sollazzo Ensemble also pays homage to the exceptional music of Marys world. “It is not just a question of technical brilliance but just as much that sense of engagement with both the audience as well as each other”, is what the New Zealand press had to say about Sollazzo Ensemble. Celebrated around the world and back on stage at AMUZ – this is an ensemble not to be missed!

16 August, 2019 20:00 -- amuz

International Young Artist’s Presentation (uitverkocht)

Walk with six concerts

Once again this year, some of the most promising young musicians of 2019 will present their work to the public after intensive coaching by Peter Van Heyghen and Raquel Andueza. Discover the selected IYAP ensembles during a unique concert walk in the area around CC De Kern in Wilrijk.

Selected ensembles:Trio Rosa Mundi (CH), Vergissmeinnicht (DE & CZ), Pretérito Imperfecto (ES), Sweete Devils (BE), Ayame Ensemble Baroque (JP) and InVocare (CH)

17 August, 2019 10:00 -- cc-de-kern

Jennifer Bloxam

Lecture: Missa Aurea

The Missa Aurea or Golden Mass is sung in honour of the Virgin Mary. The mass focuses particularly on Mary’s assent to the Angel Gabriel’s message: he came to tell her that she had been chosen to bear the Son of God. Three different ensembles will proclaim the joyful news on three successive days, with works by Guillaume Du Fay (Cappella Pratensis), Johannes Ockeghem (Cappella Mariana) and Johannes Regis (Stile Antico).

These three leading ensembles will convert their academic research on this mass into three unique concerts. Cappella Pratensis will sing from the original source: the choirbook of the Burgundian court chapel (Brussels, Royal Library of Belgium, ms. 5557). Cappella Mariana, the revelation from Eastern Europe when it comes to Late Mediaeval and Renaissance music, takes the only surviving source of Ockeghems mass as its starting point: the gorgeous Chigi Codex. Last but not least, Stile Antico has been commissioned by Laus Polyphoniae to tackle late 15th century music: Regis’ mass is a masterly tribute to both Du Fay and the Virgin Mary.

The three concerts will be introduced by the musicologist Jennifer Bloxam, who is a professor at Williams College in the US. She is no stranger to AMUZ, having given a highly popular lecture performance with Cappella Pratensis during the 2015 festival. This promises to be an exciting marathon event at which AMUZ once again reveals the value of academic research, turning it into resonant music.

English spoken

17 August, 2019 19:00 -- amuz

Cappella Pratensis

Guillaume Du Fay: Missa Ecce ancilla domini

The Missa Aurea or Golden Mass is sung in honour of the Virgin Mary. The mass focuses particularly on Mary’s assent to the Angel Gabriel’s message: he came to tell her that she had been chosen to bear the Son of God. Three different ensembles will proclaim the joyful news on three successive days, with works by Guillaume Du Fay (Cappella Pratensis), Johannes Ockeghem (Cappella Mariana) and Johannes Regis (Stile Antico).

These three leading ensembles will convert their academic research on this mass into three unique concerts. Cappella Pratensis will sing from the original source: the choirbook of the Burgundian court chapel (Brussels, Royal Library of Belgium, ms. 5557). Cappella Mariana, the revelation from Eastern Europe when it comes to Late Mediaeval and Renaissance music, takes the only surviving source of Ockeghems mass as its starting point: the gorgeous Chigi Codex. Last but not least, Stile Antico has been commissioned by Laus Polyphoniae to tackle late 15th century music: Regis’ mass is a masterly tribute to both Du Fay and the Virgin Mary.

The three concerts will be introduced by the musicologist Jennifer Bloxam, who is a professor at Williams College in the US. She is no stranger to AMUZ, having given a highly popular lecture performance with Cappella Pratensis during the 2015 festival. This promises to be an exciting marathon event at which AMUZ once again reveals the value of academic research, turning it into resonant music.

17 August, 2019 20:00 -- st-andrieskerk

Michael Pas, Katelijne Lanneau & Ellen Schafraet (uitverkocht)

Literature and music: The Burgundians

The Burgundians, the latest book by Bart Van Loo (most famous for the bestseller Napoleon) tells the story of the early unification of the Netherlands. It is a wonderful tale of mushrooming cities, the first stirrings of individualism and fading chivalric ideals. Expect schizophrenic kings, decisive dukes and artists touched by genius. Michael Pas will give lively readings of several passages from the book, alternating with evocative music by Katelijne Lanneau and Ellen Schafraet on the recorders and harp.

17 August, 2019 22:15 -- rubenshuis

International Young Artist’s Presentation (uitverkocht)

Walk with six concerts

Once again this year, some of the most promising young musicians of 2019 will present their work to the public after intensive coaching by Peter Van Heyghen and Raquel Andueza. Discover the selected IYAP ensembles during a unique concert walk in the area around CC De Kern in Wilrijk.

Selected ensembles:Trio Rosa Mundi (CH), Vergissmeinnicht (DE & CZ), Pretérito Imperfecto (ES), Sweete Devils (BE), Ayame Ensemble Baroque (JP) and InVocare (CH)

18 August, 2019 10:00 -- cc-de-kern