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Huelgas Ensemble (uitverkocht)

The Choirbook of the Burgundian Court Chapel

Paul Van Nevel draws on manuscript Br 5557, a choirbook compiled by Philip the Good and Charles the Bold for use in the Burgundian chapel. Mary probably also heard this music in her youth. It contains masses and motets – 22 pieces in total – by French and English composers. Huelgas Ensemble presents several unique pieces from this book, including works by Cornelius Heyns and Richard Cockx.

21 August, 2019 20:00 -- st-pauluskerk

Ensemble Leones

Argentum et aurum. Marry your fortune: Mary of Burgundy & Maximilian of Austria

A rich and diverse musical culture flourished in the Austrian region under early Habsburg rule (from the mid-14th to the early 16th century). Marc Lewon has selected music from the daily life of the time as an introduction to the world in which Maximilian of Austria lived. Ensemble Leones gives you a glimpse inside palaces and ballrooms, taking you on a journey with travelling singer poets who combined traditional local styles with the latest international innovations.

21 August, 2019 22:15 -- amuz


Ockeghem: Missae et motetti

The new Flemish ensemble Utopia has also drawn its inspiration from the Burgundian choirbook (Br 5557) for a programme that is a delight to the ears. This ensemble of experienced singers, who earned their spurs with figures including Philippe Herreweghe and Paul Van Nevel, is one of the best early music ensembles in Flanders.

22 August, 2019 13:00 -- amuz


The Memling man: Gilles Joye

Memling once painted a brilliantly severe and pious portrait of a poet, singer and composer from Bruges, best known in his time for his licentiousness and lyricism: Gilles Joye (1425-1483). ClubMediéval brings together all of Joyes surviving works to create an image of a composer who deserves to be admired for more than just his portrait! The ensemble, directed by the violist Thomas Baeté, gave its very first performance at Laus Polyphoniae 2010 and has been a popular guest ever since.

22 August, 2019 20:00 -- amuz


Saint Anthony's Fire

Björn Schmelzer explores the repertoire on Saint Anthony the Abbot: the saint invoked to fight Saint Anthony’s Fire, an infection that claimed thousands of victims in the Middle Ages. The disease was caused by eating mouldy rye bread and caused extreme hallucinations. The concert focuses on the music of Antoine Busnois, who also served at the Burgundian court under Mary of Burgundy. The six singers are accompanied by an array of bells that were used in church services dedicated to Saint Anthony to drive out demons.

22 August, 2019 22:15 -- st-pauluskerk

Le Miroir de Musique

Tinctoris: Secret consolations

The enormous influence of Johannes Tinctoris (c. 1435 – c. 1511), a contemporary of composers such as Ockegem, des Prez and de la Rue, is mainly due to his writings about music. Few of his compositions have been passed down to us, but his surviving works demonstrate that he was a subtle composer. You will hear an extremely varied repertoire, including motets, French and Italian chansons, parts of his Missa Sine Nomine and instrumental pieces.

23 August, 2019 13:00 -- amuz