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The 1750 Project

Città del Doge: Venetian Music from 1726

The ensemble, whose members include Jan Van den Borre and Benoit Laurent, will perform music by composers who were working in Venice in 1726, giving you a taste of the richness of the Venetian music scene. Quantz arrived in Venice during the carnival in 1726. Like many artists from Northern Europe, he took a study tour of Italy and never passed up on an opportunity to hear music in the city. He saw Vivaldi direct the Teatro San Angelo orchestra, attended an opera by Nicola Porpora and was impressed by the oboist Sammartini.

27 October, 2019 15:00 -- amuz

Hana Blažíková & Servir Antico

Adieu dieu d’amours: the two sides of the heart

During the transition from the late Middle Ages to the early Renaissance, marriages of convenience between the most powerful dynasties thoroughly reshaped the landscape of Europe. But during the darkest hours of night, people dropped their social masks and followed the voices of their hearts. Lovers’ whispers filled the seductive emptiness of the night. The contrast between a marriage of convenience and an idealised life together was a popular source of inspiration at the Burgundian court, spawning polyphonic works by composers including Cordier, Grenon, Binchois, Du Fay, Ockeghem and Ghiselin. Hana Blažíková is accompanied here by Servir Antico, an ensemble made up of renowned soloists that was founded by Catalina Vincens. She enjoys international fame for her virtuosity, lyricism and brilliant style of playing.

07 November, 2019 21:00 -- amuz

Ensemble Flandriae-Pyrenaei

Baroque Music from Flanders and Catalonia

Allow yourself to be astonished by the music of 18th century Flemish and Catalan composers who were very famous in their time, such as Pedro Rabassa, Francesc Valls and Henri Jacques de Croes. De Croes began his career as the first violinist at St James’ Church in Antwerp, later becoming the master of the court chapel in Brussels. He also made a great name for himself as a composer, with works including his violin concerto Il rossignolo & coucou. Frank Agsteribbe brings musicians from Flanders and Catalonia together to put musical gems by famous names of the age back on the map.

08 November, 2019 21:00 -- amuz

Concerto Palatino

Music of the stars: music and the cosmology of Johannes Kepler

Bruce Dickey is the director of the wind ensemble Concerto Palatino and probably the most famous player of the cornett, an instrument with a wooden pipe and a mouthpiece like that of a brass instrument. Following on from his highly successful programme Breathtaking, he has compiled a programme with Hana Blažíková based on the ideas of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) and the music of his age. The mathematician and astronomer investigated the connection between music and cosmology, and challenged composers to write a motet with the same harmonic movements as those he had discovered in the planets. He claimed that Orlandus Lassus’ motet came closest to his findings. Concerto Palatino combines it with music by contemporaries such as Andrea Gabrieli and Hans Leo Hassler, and also presents the premiere of new works by the Greek-Dutch composer Calliope Tsoupaki.

15 November, 2019 21:00 -- amuz

Kunstendag voor kinderen

Singing workshop for parents and their children (all ages welcome)

Singing in a group doesnt just make you happy – it is healthy too. When you sing, you release endorphins. These hormones act as painkillers and make you feel happy. Singing is relaxing and it also gives you energy. AMUZ invites parents and their children to come and sing together at this workshop. No existing musical knowledge is required and everyone is welcome! The workshop will be led by Tom Johnson with the help of the Vlaams Radiokoor. Johnson is the enthusiastic young conductor of several childrens choirs. You might also know him from the VRT programme In Koor. His enthusiasm is sure to get you and all your family singing.


17 November, 2019 14:00 -- amuz

Les Muffatti

Du vent dans les roseaux

The forerunner of the clarinet, the chalumeau, was very popular between 1700 and 1740. One of the composers who were seduced by its velvety sound was Johann Christoph Graupner, who is not very well known today. Nonetheless, Graupner’s talent, the scope of his repertoire and the excellent reputation he enjoyed in his lifetime are truly exceptional. Johann Friedrich Fasch and Georg Philipp Telemann, two of his contemporaries, also used the chalumeau in some of their works. In this concert, Les Muffatti will join forces with the famous clarinettists and chalumeau players Nicola Boud and Ernst Schlader.

22 November, 2019 21:00 -- amuz