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Tiburtina Ensemble

Between heaven and earth. Medieval eulogies from Italy

At the beginning of the 13th century, Francis of Assisi knelt beneath the Mediterranean firmament to sing his praises to God. Barbora Kabátková has compiled a programme that takes us to the space between heaven and earth. Along with two Italian virtuosi on the nyckelharpa, she presents a selection of unique hymns or laude: monodic religious songs from the famous Laudario di Cortona manuscript. The nyckelharpa was a favourite instrument among travelling bards whose songs St Francis admired. “Effortless, powerful and crystal clear”, De Standaard commented on the Tiburtina singers, all of whom are consummate specialists in mediaeval music.

01 March, 2020 15:00 -- amuz

The Times Academy

As well as The Times, HERMESensemble, AMUZ, De Veerman and Musica have also created a separate development track for young composers who are learning their craft at a conservatory, under the name THE TIMES ACADEMY. This is a design studio and co-creation process in which a new composition is shaped in intensive collaboration with the musicians of the HERMESensemble and the composer Wim Henderickx.

07 March, 2020 20:00 -- amuz

International Young Artist’s Presentation

Trigon Ensemble (IYAP-ensemble 1998)
La Morra (IYAP-ensemble 2000)
La Trulla de Bozes (IYAP-ensemble 2000)
Halcyon Ensemble (IYAP-ensemble 2003)
B-Five (IYAP-ensemble 2004)
Ensemble Mikado (IYAP-ensemble 2004)
Rossi Piceno Baroque Ensemble (IYAP-ensemble 2005)
Tasto Solo (IYAP-ensemble 2006)
Andrassy Trio (IYAP-ensemble 2007)
Norwegian Cornett & Sackbuts (IYAP-ensemble 2009)
Encantar (IYAP-ensemble 2010)
Les Esprits Animaux (IYAP-ensemble 2011)
L’Aura Rilucente (IYAP-ensemble 2012)
L’Escadron Volant de la Reine (IYAP-ensemble 2013)
Boreas Quartett Bremen (IYAP-ensemble 2015)
Cantoría (IYAP-ensemble 2017)

15.08.2020 – 30.09.2020
Start: AMUZ, Kammenstraat 81, Antwerpen

In cooperation with
Musica, Impulscentrum voor Muziek & RUIS

Laus Polyphoniae 2020 | Polyphony connects

15 August, 2020 00:00

Prelude Huelgas Ensemble (archive recording)

Spem in alium – Thomas Tallis (c. 1505-1585)

Laus Polyphoniae 2020 | Polyphony connects
Online from 10.00 a.m., with a cri de coeur from Chantal Pattyn

15 August, 2020 10:00
Huelgas Ensemble

Archive concert: Canto Coronato

Earthly Sirens – the Las Huelgas Codex and newly discovered sources

David Catalunya and the singers and musicians of Canto Coronato present new reconstructions of pieces from the Las Huelgas Codex and other medieval sources.

Laus Polyphoniae 2020 | Polyphony connects
Online from 10.00 a.m., with an introduction by David Catalunya and a cri de coeur from Dirk De Wachter

21 August, 2020 10:00
Canto Coronato

Klara Live @ Laus Polyphoniae

Broadcast on Klara

There are still some certainties. That music has the ability to confort in difficult times. Or this one: that our media partner Klara will be present, even during this year’s unusual edition of Laus Polyphoniae. KlaraLive@LausPolyphoniae broadcasts on the opening night of the festival live from AMUZ. There won’t be a live audience present, but there will be some interesting radio guests. Host Nicole Van Opstal talks with festival director Bart Demuyt, musicologist Aletheia Vanackere, countertenor and artistic director of Pluto-Ensemble Marnix De Cat and radio producer and author Liesbet Vereerbrugghen about their connection to polyphony. Following this radio show you can listen at home on line or on the radio to the opening concert of Laus Polyphoniae, performed by Collegium Vocale Gent, live from AMUZ – but without a live audience.

Liesbet Vereertbrugghen, producer
Nicole Van Opstal, host
Pluto-ensemble o.l.v. Marnix De Cat, live music

Laus Polyphoniae 2020 | Polyphony connects

21 August, 2020 18:00