MANU SCRIPTUM: theme lecture (Dutch spoken)
During MANU SCRIPTUM music from the period 1050-1550 will resound: five centuries of music from all corners of Western Europe, sung and played in medieval living rooms, at bustling market places, at opulent renaissance courts or in impressive gothic cathedrals. The splendid manuscripts – prominent witnesses of early West European music history – are even today samples of unsurpassed craftsmanship: now by their colourful illuminations, then again by their volume and rich contents. Musicologist Sofie Taes (AMUZ, Alamire Foundation, Leuven University) got steeped in the sources and will reveal for you their rich past, their special history, their idiosyncrasies and secrets, generously using musical and visual aids. You will also get the inside scoop why exactly AMUZ decided to choose these sources, thus inviting you to cast an artistic glance behind the wings of Laus Polyphoniae!
i.c.w. Alamire Foundation
Sofie Taes, speaker